chapter twelve

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- Em - 

I sat at lunch with Logan telling her everything that had happened in the past two days. "So Michael saw your scars? Did he say anything about it?"

"No," I shook my head. "I left before he could say anything or ask questions about it. We said that we'd forget about it though."

"Oh-" Logan was about to speak but she was rudely interrupted by three dorks running towards our table like idiots.

Calum sat down next to me and slung one arm around me. "So, Michael here tells me that you've been hanging out a lot recently."

Luke nodded confirming what Calum said, "He wouldn't stop talking about you. "Em is so funny", "oh my god look at what Em just sent me!' "Em is so perfect why can't she be mi-" Luke was suddenly cut off by Michael covering Luke's mouth with his hand.

"Shut the fuck up unless you want me to rip your dingaling off." Michael whispered, I didn't know whether I was meant to hear it but I stiffled a laugh just incase I wasn't meant to.

I felt myself zone out for a minute, Michael talked about me? In a good way? That's something that a lot of people don't do.

"Earth to Em, earth to Em." Calum waved his hand in front of me, breaking me out of my daze. I looked up, seeing the pair of four staring at me.

"You kind of zoned out for a little." Logan laughed after I got out of my daze. I'm sorry but when the guy that I have a crush on says I'm perfect I need some time to process it.

I blushed slightly, "Uh, sorry." I said quietly. 

"What were you doing? Day dreaming about making out with Mikey here? Or maybe me? I knew you couldn't resist my charm." Luke teased, making kissy faces at me.

I just rolled my eyes at him and got out of my chair. "Only in your dreams, Lucifer." I smirked, flipping him off.

I walked away, still thinking about what Luke had said previously. Michael thought I was perfect. Perfect.

The thing is I'm anything but perfect.

yo i updated after like a week or so im sorry for the super slow updates. school is so damn busy like what the fuck are the teachers doing giving me 29923829 assignments to do and tests to study for. plus the homework. 

i think that the teachers made a plan to kill us by using assignments and homework. thats been their plan all along.

but holy shit sad girls has more than 10k reads what even i swear i had like 5k a week ago what r u guys even??? thank you so much i love u guys lots. 

oh and i got my everything in the mail like a couple of days after it came out btw. it is literally so perfect. the song 'be my baby' and 'love me harder' are my faves.


oh and calum's dick. that also happened while i was at school.

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