chapter nineteen

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oh my god finally an update!!!

- Em -

After about half an hour, Michael turned up, he told me that he got lost and honestly, I wasn't surprised. He always gets lost and I mean always.

We did finally make it to Michael's house though, the first thing I heard were teenage boys yelling about Crash Bandicoot.

I giggled at how childish they were, it was completely amusing. Well at least to me it was.

"I really like Michael so far." My mum whispered to me.

"So do I." I whispered back, I was glad that she liked Michael.

"Hello boys, we are back with Em and her mum!" Michael announcing, jumping on the sofa.

"Hi, I'm Luke." Luke smiled waving at my mum.

"And I'm Calum!" Calum smiled at her before Luke and Calum went back to arguing about who should play Crash Bandicoot first.

"Oh my god, I'm playing first okay?" Ashton yelled, wanting them to finally shut up. "Oh by the way, I'm Ashton."

My mum smiled politely and sat down on a chair. I plopped down on the sofa next to Michael.

"I thought you didn't like video games though Ash?" I asked.

"I don't. These guys just won't shut the fuck up." Ashton complained but his eyes grew wide knowing what he said.

"Um, sorry! I didn't mean to swear!" Ashton apologised to my mum and she burst out laughing.

"I don't really give a fuck if you swear, she does it all the time." My mum pointed at me.

I scoffed, "Shut up." and that conversation ended as soon as Ashton hit the start button for Crash Bandicoot.

And yes, they still had the playstation 2.


"Thank you for letting us stay here for the night." I thanked Michael's mum before heading off to Michael's room.

"Uh Mikey?" I said quietly. He groaned in response. "Can I have some clothes that I could borrow?"

All he did was get out one of his band shirts and boxers and threw them to me. He seemed pisses off and I have no idea why.

"Uh thanks." I said before hurrying to the bathroom so I could change.

I changed out of my clothes and into Michael's, it was pretty comfortable if you asked me.

I walked back into Michael's bedroom and heard strange noises.

"Michael..?" I asked quietly, "what are you-" I cut myself off halfway through the sentence.

"Oh my god Michael!" I squealed, covering my eyes. He was fucking wanking!

"Uh oops?" Michael said before finishing himself off. "I just imagined you wearing my clothes and you do look really fucking hot."

I blushed, not really knowing what to say. I mean what do you do after you see your boyfriend jerking off to the thought of you?

Do you give him a blowjob or something? Fuck, I have no idea. I'm not experienced in this type of situation!

"Uh, you can lay down if you want?" Michael asked, breaking my train of thoughts.

"Oh um," I coughed, "okay."

I crawled into the bed, throwing the covers over me.

After ten minutes of trying to fall asleep, I just couldn't.

"Michael? Are you still awake?" I asked, quietly afraid to wake him up.

"Yeah." He said turning around to look at her.

"Can we um.." I paused, finding it awkward to ask. "Cuddle?"

Michael chuckled before wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer towards him.

"You're so cute." Michael sighed and that was the last thing I heard before drifting off into a deep sleep.


They're cuties. Right? Oh and Crash Bandicoot was my favourite game as a child i s2g.

Sorry for short and slow updates, if you read the previous chapter then you would know what I'm talking about.

I hope you guys can forgive me and I love you all a lot.

Btw this was written on my phone so sorry for any mistakes..

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