Useless is the word that best defines me. I'm no good at all.
I'm useless even to make you trust me I serve. Not even to commit suicide. I'm just a useless and I'm not afraid to admit it.
I realize why everyone left me because in the end I gave up too.
I'm a useless person who can't even control what I feel, much less what I say.
After all when I say that I suck and you deny it you're right. I'm not shit, not even for this I serve.
But it's okay, or rather I have to convince myself of it. I'm tired of feeling this frustration, I'm sick of the threats, but above all I'm sick of myself. And nobody can help me.
I have no control over my actions. I'm disgusted with myself.
I'm a miserable useless and there's nothing you can do to change that.
But these are just words that I write uncontrollably.
I'm useless and the only thing I can do is write about it, but writing isn't going to stop me from being useless. It also will not make me stop being disgusted with myself.
And it will not make you trust me to do anything but kisses and hugs. And I respect that, I really respect but makes me feel worthless.