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I head inside and sit on the couch. My dad walks over and sits next to me while Steel came out of his chest. “Why would Naught take an interest in you?” Steel asked. “He already knows about my Turbo Energy. When he and Josh had me in that building yesterday, they were going to take me to Dredd but then they saw you.” I said.

“So Dredd already knows about your Turbo meaning sooner or later, he’ll try to link you to Max Steel. Revealing my identity as Max Steel is no good.” Dad says. “Don’t worry Max. Remember when Dredd attacked your school bus after he was lead to believe Butch was Mad Steel? Because of Berto’s holo-bot, Dredd can’t connect her to you because of that moment.” Steel says.

“That’s right! But, he knows that my dad has Turbo Energy and now he knows about Tachya.” Dad says. “Isn’t there a thing where certain traits or powers skip a generation sometimes? Because that’s a viable and logical explanation if you get questioned again about your identity.” I said.

“How is she your child again, Max?” Steel asked jokingly. “Steel.” Dad whines. Steel and I laugh until my dad’s phone rang. “I’ll be right back.” He says. He went to the other room and I heard him say a name. “Alyssa? Its been awhile since I’ve heard from you. Oh really? Sorry, we’ve got our own problem right now with Dredd. But you could always visit with Violet anytime. Just let me know. Okay, bye.” He said.

When he walks back out, I point out the most obvious thing. “If you’re trying to have a PRIVATE conversation, maybe you should lower your voice so I can’t hear it. So who’s Alyssa and Violet?” I asked. “Oh, uh friends when I was your age.” He said. Then a thought occurred.

“Did you like her before you were with Mom?” I asked. “Tachya, please. Now is not the time! Besides, you need to do your homework and take a shower before your mother gets home from work. She’s taking us out for dinner tonight.” Dad says.

I groaned. “But Dad. I just got home from being chased by one of your enemies. Shouldn’t we be starting my training instead of homework for school?” I ask. Dad shakes his head. “If I can lead a double life being a superhero and going to school, so can you. Minus the superhero bit since you’ve only been witnessing my fights.” Dad says muttering the last bit.

Doing as I was told, I finally came back out after finishing my homework. The shower did feel nice after running earlier. I find my parents sitting on the couch waiting for me. “Finally! You girls take forever.” Dad says. “You are the only guy here besides Steel, Dad. And where are we going for dinner?” I asked.

An hour after eating in the restaurant, my mom took Dad and I to the Copper Canyon Sweetstone Shop. From what I heard, a whole family runs it making the best sweets and treats in this city. We walk in and I’m greeted with a blast of chocolate. I smiled as well sat down in a booth and a waitress came over.

“Hello, what can I get you three?” she asked. I looked to her name tag and found out her name was Kayla Sweetstone. “Kayla, this is my husband Max and our daughter Tachya.” Mom introduced. “Ms. McGrath, I’m glad that you brought your family here. If I still had my sons, our kids would get along so well. But I couldn’t support the three of us alone so I had to put them up for adoption.” Kayla says.

“I’m sure they’re wonderful gentleman by now. Maybe they will come by one day and you’ll recognize them.” Mom says. My attention drifted away from the adult conversation and out the window. I see a boy walk past when he looks to me and I see that its Josh. He smiles and sure enough, he comes in. I’m practically shaking my head and mouthing ‘Go back outside!’ but he’s already here at the booth.

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