13 | Return Of The Ultralinks, I Think

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"I'll be right back. I think I saw something outside." I said. "Why don't you take Hyden with you? We'll order for you guys." Katy says. I nodded and the two of us went outside. Hearing a thud from the alleyway, I peek around the corner and saw Extroyer digging in a dumpster. I felt a warm breath on my neck and realized that Hyden was looking too.

"That's him! He took my mom from me." He whispered. Extroyer looked up from the dumpster and saw us. "What are you two looking at?" he growled. "Hyden, stay here. I'm going to do my thing." I said. He looks at me confused until I say it. "GO TURBO STRENGTH!" And that caught both of their attention.

"Max Steel is a little girl? I will crush you in front of your little friend." Extroyer says turning into a gorilla. "Hyden, run!" I shouted as Extroyer started charging towards me. I hold my hands up and he starts to push me out of the alleyway and onto the street. "I'm sorry to disappoint but, I'm not Max Steel. And I won't let you hurt Hyden." I said while struggling to hold him back.

"How funny. I'm glad that you've shown me my son again. Its been 4 years since I last saw him." Extroyer says. I gasped in surprise which allowed Extroyer to punch me into a building. "You can't be his father. You took his mom away from him!" I said getting up. "There is so much you don't know. You shouldn't be fighting Max Steel's fights at your age. I will give you a speedy goodbye." Extroyer growls just as Josh came out of the shop and throws an energy ball at Extroyer.

"You won't get away that easily this time." Josh says. When Extroyer looks over to see Josh, his growl became deeper and louder. But before Extroyer could do anything, a familiar laugh was heard. "Practicing your skills on Extroyer, I see. But you'll need to learn more if you're going to defeat me before Makino arrives. How about some ultralinks to teach you a lesson, Hm?" Dark Violet asks.

At least 5 flying balls can be seen as they opened and the ultralinks inside of them linked up and started attacking. "I thought Max Steel destroyed Makino 34 years ago. Who are you?" Extroyer asks. "You might remember me as UltraViolet. But I'm Dark Violet now." She replies. I looked between Extroyer, Dark Violet, and the ultralinks. 'I have to start small but I could try and save Alyssa from Dark Violet. Ugh. What would my dad do?' I thought to myself.

"Go Turbo Canon!" I heard a voice shout. I look up and see my dad barrel into Extroyer and Dark Violet in Turbo Canon. "Max Steel. Showing up to save your mini you." Extroyer says. "If you think I would team up with him, then think again." Dark Violet says raising her hand and pointing at us. The ultralinks start charging forward and my dad was already smashing them.

"Tachya, let's go! He can handle this himself." Josh says. "No. I started this so I'm helping him finish it." I said. "You need to leave now Tachya. You aren't ready to fight." Dad says. I groaned but reluctantly complied. But as we were leaving, more ultralinks were coming down from a ship.

"On second thought, we should all get back to N-Tek." My dad says. "Turbo Flight time, Dad?" I asked. He nods just as Seth, Katy, and Brock came out of the shop. "Did we go back in time or something?" Katy asked. I ran over and grabbed them. "Lets get to safety and then you can ask more questions." I said flying.

My dad had Josh and Hyden and I felt jealous. "Why do you get to carry two while I have to carry three people?" I asked. "Now isn't the time, Tachya. Steel's already called N-Tek so be prepared for them to start shooting. We're technically leading the enemy right to the base." Dad says.

"What about the T.S-12 thing Tachya and I saw yesterday? Could that help us?" Josh asked. "Josh, I thought we weren't going to tell about that." I complained. "Wait a second. You found the Turbo Star room?" Dad asked. "Uh..." was all I could manage as we flew into N-Tek. My dad goes straight to the fight after dropping off Josh and Hyden.

"Can't we help out in anyway?" Katy asked. "We're helping if we stay out of the way. Let's go to the holo-sim room and wait this out." Seth says. I frowned and looked back towards where we came in. I could see N-Tek soldiers fighting ultralinks and my dad fighting Dark Violet. I would've snuck away but Seth legit takes my hand and drags me to the holo-sim.

"So, what are we going to do in here?" Brock asked. "It's a holo-sim. We could basically do a lot of stuff. Like play hide and seek." Josh says. "Really Josh?" I scoffed. "What? Daron and I never could play that with everything that was going on. Especially when my father caught us one time when we should've been training. Always a real bum or party pooper." Josh says.

"Definitely sounds like Dredd. Anyways, I was thinking more than just hide and seek. It's a strategy game on how to take the other team's land. Katy, Brock, and I will be Team 1 while Tachya, Josh, and Hyden are Team 2." Seth explains. "Why'd you make Tachya and Josh on the same team? They both have powers while the rest of us don't." Katy complained.

"There's a reason why I did that. If we had 3 girls and 3 boys, I would've done it like that. But we have more boys so its only fair for both teams to have a girl." Seth says. He turns the holo-sim on from a weird thing on his wrist that looked just like what Berto had. Like uncle and nephew, am I right?

I got bored quickly of Seth's game so I decided to do my own fun. From what I could tell, I could sneak out and help fight the ultralinks while everyone else stayed cooped up. Because there were places to hide, I hid and did Turbo Stealth mode. As far as my friends were concerned, I was just hiding as part of the 'strategy' game.

I got out of the holo-sim and smiled as I ran towards the fight. You can't keep a born fighter from fighting. My dad fought and so will I. Seeing the fight, I could tell that my dad was having trouble with Dark Violet and Elementor ganging up on him. So I imagine my Turbo Canon mode and smirked under my mask. "Go Turbo, Canon!" I yelled ramming into Elementor.

I looked to my dad and I couldn't tell if he was happy I came to help or mad that I was putting myself in danger. "I've got Elementor. You focus on Dark Violet." I shouted to him. He nods and I turn back to my elemental monster of an ultralink mess. Five orbs on its head so five different elements. Elementor tries to get the better of me but I've seen my dad fight Elementor so much that I mimic my dad's strategy.

Every time Elementor switched what element he was using, I'd take the chance to strike a blow on him. Pretty soon, I'm blasted back by Dark Violet. "You idiot! Being bested by a child. No wonder you're so useless. You can't even hold this planet without someone defeating you. Ugh! We're leaving for now." She says annoyed. I watched as ships came and took all of the ultralinks, Elementor, and Dark Violet in a yellow beam. And then they were gone.

I got up and looked to my dad as our helmets dissipated. "That was pretty cool. I never thought I'd see my own daughter fight so well." He says until Steel jabs him. "But it was also reckless and dangerous for her because of how much training she still has to go before she could actually fight by your side." Forge's voice says causing me to stiffen in fear. Once he was in my line of view, I could tell that my dad might not be able to sweet talk him to get me out of whatever punishment Uncle Forge had in store for me.

"Uncle Ferrus, I know she shouldn't have gone out but, I think Tachya did pretty good out there. I'll start training her myself that way she gets better faster." Dad says. Forge groans but nods anyways. "Fine. But if I catch her trying to fight without you or someone at N-Tek, she'll have to be monitored whenever there are attacks. Am I clear?" he asks. "Yes." I said. Once he left I turned to my dad. "So, can we start right now, Dad?" I ask.

"How about tomorrow after school? Its late and you know how your mom is when we're late for dinner." Dad says. I chuckled. "Then we should head home then. Race you there in Flight mode." I said. He laughs and we both transform and lined up. "3... 2... 1" I counted off. "GO!" Dad and I say in unison. Taking off, we started flying through the air as well made our way back home. It was fun whenever we did this now because, it made me feel closer to my dad. And it makes me think of how other kids are with their parents. How they've bonded, what they do together, or if they are separated and alone. But as long as you love your families, everything should be alright. Almost.

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