Chapter 2: Eavesdropping

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                              Sasuke's pov
" You like Sasuke, don't you!" I over heard Sakura say. I followed Naruto since I noticed he was running after Sakura. For some reason hearing that there's a chance Naruto likes me made my heart flutter.
"No! We're just friends!" Naruto replied. My heart dropped and I felt broken.
" Really?" Sakura said. She sounded joyful.
" Of course! I don't like boys...I like you, Sakura!" Hearing those words tears escaped my eyes. Before, I could hear anything else I ran. I don't know where I'm running. But, I don't care. I don't like boys. I like you Sakura! Those words hurt. Yet, they replayed in my mind like a broken record player.
After, a few minutes of running I finally stopped. U was in the woods and far from Naruto and Sakura. Why? Why did Sakura have to ask that?! Why did Naruto reply?!
" WHY DO I CARE?!" I yelled. It's all because of Sakura! Why'd she have to ask that? Why? Why?
" WHY?!" Tears ran down. It's been so long. So long since I shed tears for someone. So long since I showed emotion. I've acted like I hadn't cared for so long. But, Naruto...Naruto brought those emotions back to life. " He's an idiot..." Why do I have to feel this way? It's been a year since that dumb kiss! I wish I didn't care. I wish I didn't feel broken and hurt. Naruto made me vulnerable. He made me weak. " I hate him..."
My head...Too much crying. Too much emotions. Too many feelings. Too much butterflies. Too much
" Naruto..."
   { Time skip brought to you bye; author-chan}
I don't know what time it had been since I collapsed. But, when I woke up my head was throbbing and I felt my face red and sticky from all the crying i had done. I looked at the clock. 3:30. Hmm.. it was morning when we did the practice. I'd say I slept for 5-9 hours. I tried picking my head up but someone stopped me.
" Don't." I heard a familiar scratchy voice say.
" Naruto?" I asked. I heard a small chuckle. And even though I wasn't looking at him I could tell he was nodding.
" Yeah..." He says. I picked my head up a little bit and for a few seconds I stared at Naruto and he stared back. He gave a small grin and I couldn't help but blush. I lie my head back down and frown.
" How'd you find me?" I asked after a moment of silence.
" Hng?" Naruto said confused. " Oh! Um...When I was coming back from getting Sakura I kinda noticed you running away. I sorta followed you and a moment later I saw you collapse and so I brought you here" Naruto replies. I felt myself blush out of embarrassment. Ugh. I wouldn't be blushing if this wasn't Naruto. What has he done to me?
" You heard me?" I asked after realizing he had followed me. I looked at him and his cheeks were red.
" Only the part where you said; " He's an idiot. I hate him."  I could tell he knew who I was talking about. " Were you....Were you talking....Were you talking about me?" There it is! How do I respond? I guess i should a lie?
" Um...I...Don't remember." It wasn't really a lie. My head still hurts from the fall and so my memory is a little foggy. Yet, those words are stuck in my mind. I like you, Sakura!
" Oh...So...You wanna go home?" He asked.
" No. I don't." I don't want to go home. I want to be alone....With Naruto. I don't know why, I just feel so empty with out him.
" You wanna come to my house?" I got up and looked at Naruto. His eyes were bright. I knew his parents died. I actually know about the 9 tailed fox. Who didn't? It used to be the talk of the Town. I figured he needed someone.
" Ok..." I said a little monotone. He gives a big grin and a thumbs up.
  { Another time skip brought by: laziness }
  We reached Naruto's apartment and I had to say it wasn't as bad as I thought. I guess it looked clean. He took off his shoes in a messy way and the flung everywhere. Ok... I took off my shoes neatly and placed them in a corner.
" My rooms this way." Naruto says walking to it. I'm going to be in Naruto's room alone with him?! I felt my whole face turn red but I ignore it and follow Naruto. His room was a little messy but nice.
" Nice place...and room." I say after a while.
" Thank." Naruto says. I couldn't help but wonder if he would invite me more often. I wanted to come to his house more. Just to be with him. Ok...That sounded weird. " What sounded weird?" Naruto asks. Luckily I had only said that sentence out loud. I rapidly shake my head.
" N-Nothing!" I look at Naruto and he laughs.
" Did you just stutter~!?" He asks. My face turns red and nothing comes out.
" W-WHAT? No!" I manage to say. His laughing gets louder and harder, until the point he cant breath and his face is red.
" YOU DID IT AGAIN!" Naruto yelled once again laughing. I couldn't help but say what I had been thinking.
" Your laugh is cute." Naruto looks at me and Blushes. He was sitting on his bed and I sat next to him. A little too close.
" W-What?" He says flustered. This time I give a small laugh and I stare at him. It's not long after he starts staring at me.
" Your laugh is cute." I repeat. Naruto's face turns redder than a tomatoes.
" O-Oh um thanks" he replies awkwardly.
" I think you're cute too, Naruto." I couldn't help it. I need to say these things. I've held them in for so long. He needed to hear them. And I wanted to tell him those things.
" S-sasuke...?" Naruto says after a while. I move a little closer. Slowly to give him a chance to move away. Yet, he doesn't. There's only 2 inches between us till I move away and start laughing. " W-What?! You were playing with me?! How could you!" He yells. Naruto playful punches me and I start laughing.
" Well, I need to get home." I get and head for the door. " Oh and Naruto?...' I don't like boys' just remember that." He looks at me shocked knowing that I had eavesdropped on Sakura and his conversation. " Bye, Naruto. See you at school" and with that I left. I went home feeling the things I couldn't identify until those moments with Naruto. I'm in love. I'm in love with Naruto.

And it's all because of you, Sakura. For making me realize this.

Word count: 1163

Word counts do not include a/n. Anyways, what'd you think? Am I going to fast? Maybe. But I didn't want Naruto or Sasuke being oblivious and not knowing what there feelings were. BUT DAAMMMMNNN! A WHOLE CHAPTER ALL IN SASUKE'S POV!!!! IM PROUD OF MYSELF! That's all for now, bye my little shurikens! See ya next chapter!

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