Chapter 3: The Last Night

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Hello! I'm back! This chapter skips some days. It's set the night before the Gala. Hope you like it!

Sophie pulled the teal dress out of her closet and hung in on the door of her bathroom. She grabbed the silver flats and silver comb. She rummaged though her jewelry box and pulled out the beautiful teal heart necklace.

She looked at everything and sighed. Tomorrow was going to be a super important day, she wanted to make sure nothing went wrong. Sophie put her pajamas on and climbed into her giant bed.

She stared out her windows at the stars. They weren't just white, they were gold, blue, pink and green. Sophie loved the different colors and the quantity of them. There were so many more then when she had been living in the Forbidden Cities with her human family. It was relaxing to watch them. Sophie could faintly make out the silhouette of Calla's Panakes tree overlooking the pastures. The soft moonlight made it almost glow.

The windows were cracked open and she could hear the different animals in the pastures getting ready to sleep. She heard Verdi roar. Sophie smiled as she glanced at Iggy, sound asleep in his cage. He was snoring like a chainsaw. Then he let out a loud, toxic fart. She fanned the air in front of her face, trying to clear away the smell.

Sophie got out of bed and walked over to Iggy's cage, pulling the cloth over it. She walked back, the carpet soft under her feet, and settled into bed. She rolled over to watch the stars again. As she studied them, she found a small teal one. She smiled, it was the exact color of Fitz's eyes.

I hope everything goes well tomorrow. Sophie thought, trying to push away her brain's imaginings.

I really hope it don't trip and fall, or spill something on my dress, or trip someone else.

She sighed and pulled the covers up higher. She stared at the moon. It was beautiful and full, a misty silver orb glowing as it floated in the sky. She watched the moon until she fell asleep, her worries flying away, making room for dreams.

Thanks for reading, I promise to update soon. You guys are awesome!😊


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