Chapter Eight

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Attempting to escape from the palace of a Pharaoh with a reputation of being a cruel and merciless king was probably not the brightest of ideas that she had ever come up with. Not to mention that it was, more than likely, a futile one.

However, she had to find out if there was any way for her to return to the 21st Century. She had to try.

Her footsteps slowed as she got halfway down a corridor and she leaned against the wall, catching her breath as she looked to either side of her, up and down the corridor, she listened for anything that may indicate that someone was up. That she wasn't alone as she seemed to be.

She heard and saw nothing.

As she took the moment to rest her mind went over the questions that she had been pointedly ignoring until that very moment. So, even if she did manage to escape the confined walls of the palace, just what exactly would she do? Where would she go? It wasn't as if she could phone Shala or Kahryn. Her phone certainly wasn't going to work in Ancient Egypt.

And, just what exactly would she do if she couldn't go back?

True realization hit her when she fully took in at when she was. It was surreal. She was in Ancient-freaking-Egypt!

"I see that guards will be necessary to be with you at all times."

Bailey's breath caught in her throat, her blood running cold as it did so. Slowly, she turned, coming face-to-face with Bes, who stood a few feet away from her, his arms crossed over his chest.

How did she not hear him?

She huffed, copying his stance. "You know, it's funny, but if you were in my position I bet you'd do anything to find a way home, am I right?"

"I would after I had done my research on where and when I was. You, on the other hand, are a stubborn and impatient fool who's yet to take in the severity of the actions in which you were trying to accomplish in escaping the palace. Tell me, have you any place in mind to go, have you even given it any true thought?" Bes asked and nodded when her silence gave him enough of an answer. Taking a few steps closer he clasped his hands in front of him. "Bailey, you are like the rarest jewel to ever grace these lands. The almighty

Gods have graciously given us your presence, for a reason we have yet to determine, but you keep trying to defy their will."

Bailey averted her gaze to the floor, voice quiet as she spoke. "I already told you what I thought of that."

"Woman, this is what I believe, as well as every member of my court and my people. Are you denying our beliefs?"

Bailey was beginning to feel even more agitated with the man. He was insufferable! "No. Definitely not. That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"I don't know the answer to that." She confessed, shaking her head and giving him a shrug. "I...highly doubt I'll ever be able to figure it out."

"What can I offer in order to guarantee you stay here?" Bes inquired after a moment of silence between them.

"Why would you want me to?"

"You have captured my curiosity," He admitted. "I've taken the liberty of meeting many a woman over the summers, Bailey, but none have intrigued me as you have. I want to learn more."

"Basically I am to be a caged pet?"

"No. With guards with you at all times you will be permitted to roam freely about the palace and its grounds."

"Kind of sounds like the same thing."

His nostrils flared, she was ruffling his feathers and she knew it. She yelped, quickly finding herself pinned between his muscular arms on either side of her. "These lands are treacherous as they are filled with murderers and pillagers who will not hesitate to kill in order to obtain something or someone of high value." He looked at her pointedly. "Such as yourself. You must heed these words with caution."

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