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Cover & Title (_/10):
Does the cover and title fit the story? Is it intruding?

Description (_/10):
Is the description interesting? Too short or too long? Does it grab your attention? Does it match the plot? Does it make you want to read the book?

Plot (_/35):
Is the plot understandable? Is there charter development? Is it unique? Were the charters realistic? Did you get a connection in the book? Was the pacing too fast or too slow?

Diction/Writing Style (_/20):
Was the writing confusing or clear and nicely brought out? Was the writing style too simple or too complex? Did the writing have imagery?

Grading for this can be less harsh for texting stories.

Grammar (_/15):
Grammer errors, punctuation, usage of tenses, vocab, etc.

This doesn't include texting stories unless they're using narration.

Overall view (_/10):
How did the book make you feel, what are your opinions on it? Would you read it if you found it on your own? Would you recommend to read it?

Total (_/100)

Express Yourself Awards | Summer 2019Where stories live. Discover now