Chapter Nine: One Month Later

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It was Christmas Eve. You and Jonathan were on the way to pick up Will from Mike's house. "You want to stay in the car while I go get him?" Jonathan asked as he parked in front of Mike's house. "No, I want to say hi to my boys!" Jonathan laughed before you both got out of the car. You walked up to the from door, Jonathan knocking on the door. Mrs. Wheeler opened it, telling you that the boys were in the basement.

"Jeez, what's that smell? Have you guys been playing games all day, or just farting?" Jonathan joked as you both walked down the basement steps. All the boys laughed. "Oh, that's just Dustin. He farted" Lucas said, and Dustin glared at him. "Dustin farted!" Lucas said in a sing song voice, before making a fart noise with his mouth. "Okay, very mature Lucas" Dustin deadpanned as Lucas kept making fart noises. You laughed along with them.

"You guys having fun?" you asked as you walked over to them, leaning over to look down at their D&D materials scattered across the table. "Yeah! It was a great campaign" Mike said happily. "Well that's good!" you turned to your brother. "I'll be home later tonight, alright? Don't eat all the ham before I get there" you said as you reached over and tried to ruffle his hair. He swatted your hand and leaned away before you could reach him. All the boys laughed as you almost fell over. "Ha, ha, very funny" you said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes.

"Will. Come on" Jonathan said to Will, who smiled and nodded. "Bye guys!" Will said as he grabbed his backpack and followed you and Jonathan up the stairs. "Bye Will!" the boys yelled. "See you later!" you waved to the boys as you walked up the basement stairs.

"You have fun?" Jonathan asked Will. "Yeah!" He said happily. "What did you guys fight huh?" you asked. "We fought a thessalhydra! And I killed it with my fireball!" Will told you, before pretending to throw a fireball, adding sound effects. You laughed and ruffled his hair. "Hey!" Mrs. Wheeler said as you passed through the kitchen. "Hey, Mrs. Wheeler" Jonathan said.

"Hey, wish your mom a merry Christmas for me, okay?" Mrs. Wheeler said to them. "Yeah" they both said. "Yeah, thank you. Uh, merry Christmas" Jonathan said. "Merry Christmas" she said back. "So you won huh?" Jonathan said to Will as you guys began walking toward the front door. "Yeah!" Will nodded. "Awesome"

"Hey, Jonathan, wait up" you heard Nancy's voice from the top of the stairs. She quickly walked down the stairs, a present in her hand. She handed it to him. "Merry Christmas"

"Thanks, um... I didn't get you anything. I feel bad" He said as he took the present from her. "No, it's, uh, it's not really a present. It's, um... Well, you'll see" she said before placing a hand on his shoulder and kissing his cheek. A wave of jealousy ran through you, but you ignored it. "Merry Christmas" he said before turning to head out the door. "You ready?" He asked Will. "Yeah" Jonathan nodded. "Let's go"

You walked out the front door, Will walking ahead. You grabbed Jonathan's hand as soon as you were outside. "You okay?" he asked, sensing that you are tense. "I'm fine" you forced a smile. "You know that Nancy is dating Steve, right?" he knew that her kissing his cheek had made you jealous. "Yeah. I know" You nodded. "And I'm dating you..." you nodded again, not looking over at him.

He stopped in front of the passenger side door. He turned to face you, and lifted your chin up so you would look at him. "You don't have to be jealous, okay?" he whispered. You nodded again. He kissed your lips sweetly, making you almost forget that you were jealous. He pulled away and smiled at you, you couldn't help but smile back. He opened your door for you and you got into his car. He walked around the other side and got into the drivers seat.

Will was sitting in the back. "All right. Buckle up" Jonathan said to him. Will looked at the present in Jonathan's lap. "Can I open it?" he asked. Jonathan smiled. "Yeah, sure" Jonathan handed it back to his brother. Will ripped the paper off quickly, revealing a box that had a picture of a camera on the front. "Woah. Pretty cool" Jonathan chuckled. "Yeah. Pretty cool" he agreed.

Jealousy washed over you again, but you tried to ignore it. Jonathan noticed, and once he started driving, he reached over and grabbed your hand.


Will immediately went to look at the presents under the tree when you got to their house. Jonathan opened his new camera and started taking pictures. "What you got there?" Jonathan asked Will. "That one yours? Looks pretty big" Will began to shake the box gently. Jonathan took a picture of him, the flash lighting up the room. "You keep shaking it and it's going to break!" you laughed before walking into the kitchen to help Joyce.

You help her bring out one of the main dishes. Jonathan took a picture of the two of you. "What are you... What are you doing?" Joyce laughed as she put her hands up, covering her face. "Documenting" Jonathan replied as he walked to a different spot to get a better shot. "Oh, why?" Joyce asked and you laughed. "Because... It looks great" he said as he took another picture.

"Oh, this is just so overcooked. And look, the potatoes are runny" she said as she ran a spoon through them. "It looks great Joyce" you said to her. "They're so runny" she said again. "Mom, it's gonna be great" he said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It's definitely an Atari" Will said excitedly as he walked up to the table. "An a-what-i?" Joyce asked. "The green present. It's an Atari" Will explained as you all sat down. "I felt Dustin's today, it's the exact same weight" Joyce raised an eyebrow and looked over at Jonathan. "Really? Well... We'll have to see, won't we?"

Will started to get back up from the table. "Hey, no more snooping!" Joyce said. "No, I forgot to wash my hands. I'll be right back!"

"Okay" Joyce looked over to you and Jonathan. "He's washing his hands?" she said softly with a somewhat surprised face and you both laughed. You started to dish your self up as Will walked back out. "Are you okay?" Joyce asked. You looked up at Will. "Yeah, I'm okay"

"This is really good mom" Jonathan said through a mouth full of food. You shook your head and chuckled. "Hey mom. Did Will tell you about, uh, the game?" Jonathan asked. "No, what game?"

"I threw a fireball at him and..." Will imitated and explosion. "Dead!" you chuckled. "Wait, what is... you mean, this is..." Joyce was acting like it was real life. "No, it's just Dungeons & Dragons" Joyce nodded. "Okay, Dungeons & Dragons"

"It's fun" Will said. "It's like roleplay. They fight monsters and things. It's fun watching them play" Will's eyes light up. "Yeah! And sometimes, Y/N will do voices for the characters!" You smiled. "It's cool!"

Everything seemed like it was back to normal. You all were happy, eating dinner on Christmas Eve, laughing, talking and having a good time. Little did you know, that everything was about to be far from normal...

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