Chapter 12

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-Austin's pov-

The brunette was smirking down on us evilly.

"what is something?" Alan broke the silence sassily.

"i don't know" she replied licking her lips, "that you two boys were making out"

"and what do you think?, is it good for our pornsite?" Alan stop.

"yeah, fucking fags would love that, your dad would too" Shit.

Alan was unsure what to say, he let out a nervous chuckle, "wow you think we're together? Oh god that hilarious! Austin she thinks we're gay for each other hahaha" i know he was doing this to save our asses but it kinda hurt, i laughed along.

"oh geez"' i put my hands over my face and laughed into them.

She stared at us weirdly, she was unsure whether to believe us or not.

She turned on her heals and stomped away to my house.

"god saved our asses there, you're the best" i rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed my hair in response.

"do you wanna go back or stay a little?"

"i don't wanna see them.." i stared at my lap sadly.

"we can stay at my house tonight"

I smiled at him and kissed him softly, "thank you" i whispered.

He nodded and pulled us up, lacing or hands together walking towards his house.


"do you think aliens exist?" Alan asked staring into the star filled, dark blue sky.

"yeah..but not like green marsians with high tech spaceships you know?"

He nodded, "Austin?"


"i love you"

"i love you too Alan"

He turned his face to me and smiled, "i really do Austin, i really do"

I smiled back and Alan snuggled into my chest.

Stare at the stars slowly inhale lies brought on 

the past tense is now can you feel it 

exhale with the thought of letting go of rivalry 

soon it will be pure again 

so collapse your eyes 

collide those lips with mine 

let your feet leave the earth and float away 

caught up with small talk 

not used to this we may be 

are you surprised that I failed for you to notice 

timing means everything, at least that's what you used to say

sorry I don't have any at all 

so collapse your eyes 

collide those lips with mine 

let your feet leave the earth and float away 

so sit and listen 

excuse me for the excuse not to lie 

some say that policies on the moon 

but who's to tell us 

so collapse your eyes 

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