I, villain

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Ross and I spent about twenty minutes sitting there talking. He told me that most of his family were pretty pissed off at me for taking off on him, for not giving him the chance to explain. In fact he was shocked I had made it into the house. "I came in as Ry was leaving, he didn't seem too mad." I told him. "Well, you're still good with Ry, and Ell, but, pretty much everyone else..." "I'll fix it. Ya know, if I didn't love you so much it wouldn't have bothered me as much. I'm not really a jealous person. But the idea of anyone else... touching you.., it just really..." he kissed me, cutting me off. "Hey, let's get outta here for a little while. I've been in this room forever. I need some air."

We walked out of his room hand in hand, and approached the staircase. And there at the bottom stood Riker. He was glaring at me. "What the HELL are you doing here?" he shifted his gaze from me to Ross. "Really Ross? Right back to being all lovey Dover holding hands and shit after she just WALKED OUT ON YOU???" he shouted the last four words. "The hell is your problem? You're the one who started all... You know what? Just move were leaving." We tried to pass him, as soon as I was next to him he said something under his breath. I thought I heard him say "You're trash" "What the hell did you just say?" Ross yelled, moving toward Riker. "Ross!" I said, grabbing ahold of his arm. "Let's just go. We all just need to calm down."

I pulled Ross through the foray and out of the front door. He and Riker kept their eyes locked on each other till I pulled the door shut. "I shoulda jawed his ass for that comment. Fucking douche, what a fuckin tool." "Hey, calm down. Maybe we need to move into this a little slower baby." I put my arms around him. "How bout that getaway I planned before the concert?" "We need to get your schedule back on track first. Ell said you guys stopped rehearsing and, well, everything else for the last week or so. We have alot of work to get done."

That reminded me, I needed to call Ell to let him know that Ross and I had talked everything through. As soon as Ross and I were in the car, I pulled out my phone. "Who ya callin?" "Gotta let Ell know everything is good." I told him. "I'll call, you drive." he said back. He dialed Ell's number and hit speaker. "Hey chick, how'd it go?" Ell asked. "It went fine." Ross answered. "Awe hell Ross, what'd you do? Kill her?" Ell said laughing. "Nah, but you need to talk to Riker dude, seriously. He's way outta line man. He called Frankie trash." "Wait, what?" "Yeah. Talk to him, because if he still has this attitude when I get back..." "I got this, don't trip." Ell said. "Hey Ell!!!" I shouted. "Hey babygirl! Glad you're back. See you soon." "yup" I answered. Ross and Ell talked for a few more minutes before hanging up.

We decided to go to the movies. There was a new Jack Black movie out, and it looked pretty good. We missed half of it though. It had been like two weeks since the last time we were alone together. After we left the theater we grabbed a pizza and took it to our spot. The last few times I had come here, I basically was a broken down bawling mess. "I saw you here the other day. Jogging. Then you sat down. I left right about then cuz I couldn't stand watching you cry. I knew that if I had tried talking to you, you would have snapped on me." "You're probably right." He was sitting on the table, I was on the bench, between his legs, my back against his chest. I turned my head up to look at him. "Let's not ever do that again, Kay?" "Kay." "I love you." "I love you too Francesca."

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