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For years I've been murdering sluts and stupid bitches, dismembering them, beating them, torturing them. All the while never having my name even mentioned in investigations. So why is a cop calling me a murderer at 4:30 a.m with tears flooding in his eyes?
The front door is creaked open and through it I can see Yoonbum peering over his wrapped arms, his interest clearly peaked. What am I to do? If the cop sees him he'll recognize him as the guy seen with that chick a few weeks ago, and then there would be nothing I could do but persuade the cop he's wrong. But Yoonbums arm is bleeding heavily, and he's not in his right mind. I can't let the cop see him.
I cough, looking at Bum, his eyes meet mine and I tip my head towards the room, hoping he knows what it means, then I turn my attention to the two men approaching my porch slowly.
"You can call my Detectice Sunbae, we should chat. Is there anyone else in the residence?"
I shrug, blinking dumbly, "unless you count the mice, it's just me."
He gives me a skeptical look, but carries on, the other man still trailing behind him.
"I'm here investigating the disappearance of a Lee Mina. She was last seen half a mile from here, I've looked into the residences and your name struck a cord. You're the same age as her and shared a school. Did you know her? Even in passing?"
I thought for a second, stealing a glance back inside to make sure Bum was out of sight, he was.
"I honestly don't remember much from school," I fidgeted, trying to make myself seem uncomfortable, "that's scary though.. so close to home."
"Sunbae.. maybe we shoul-" the other man started to talk but was derailed instantly by the cop, "she was last seen with a Korean male, about 5'5", black hair. Do you know, or have you seen anyone matching that appearance?"
Yoonbums frail figure dashed around my head.
He tapped his leg, he was now just passed the fence, one hand next to his waist, where his taser must be, the other handling the fence, it creaked ominously. The white man stepped forward along with him, he reached an arm out and grabbed the cops shoulder.
"Sunbae, it's so late.." he was looking at me with a sort of unwarranted hatred. Can he tell? The other can't.
"Yeah, lots. In passing, at work. It's not an uncommon appearance."
It wasn't, but to me, Bums physical attributes stood out amongst the crowd.
"Fair. But it's an awful coincidence, same school, disappeared in the area-"
"Look, Officer Sunbae, is it?" He nodded, "I can see where this is coming from, but I really would like to sleep.." I pondered for a moment, I had to strike a cord, "I had my window open and your fighting woke me up." I gestured to both of them, the freckled guy glared at me, his hand was still on the cops shoulder, his jacket gripped tightly between fingers.
"I think you're both tired too," I added, trying to repress mocking them, "I'll give you my contact information and we can carry on tomorrow, is that alright?"
Both of them glanced inside and then back at me, the cop spoke, "that'll be fine. But one last question."
I repressed a sigh, "of course."
"You said you don't really know anyone matching the description? And that you're alone in the house?"
"W- yes. No one."
But I knew. I could feel him approaching. My heart started to burn. He didn't listen to me. Fury was filling my entire body, I couldn't even bring myself to turn and look at him. The eyes of the two men darting back and forth between me and the open door was more than enough.
Suddenly, there were quick steps and just as I wheeled around to look at Yoonbum his two weak hands were on my arm pushing my forcefully. It was such a shock I couldn't stiffen myself, and my feet slipped from under me and I sank down steps, my body hitting them painfully as it fell.
The two men started to shout at Yoonbum, who shouted back. Only his voice was clear.
"He's a killer! HE'S A KILLER!!"
I landed on my back and tried to get to my knees, but the cop was on top of me before I could balance. I heard the clanking of metal and knew he was about to cuff me.
But through the hair that fell in my face I caught Yoonbum running down the steps, shoeless, legs bare. Those skinny, white-haired legs. The ones I shattered, the ones that spread for me. They ran right passed.
"Hey! Wait! Cale!" The cop was momentarily distracted and it I swung my arm wildly and managed to elbow his cheek, he gasped. The cuffs were halfway on, but I flailed, kicking, arms swinging. There was so much sudden anger swimming around my bloodstream. Everything was so hot. I scrambled to my feet, catching a fist sized rock as I did. My arms swung again, and I hit the cop square in the jaw with the stone. He buckled over, and the other man stepped closer to me.
It was so open. I know it was. The second I did it I knew my life was over, but it didn't matter.
With the cop semi-unconcious, I toppled onto the other guy and began to hit him with the ragged stone. One hand was pressing all my weight onto his neck and the other smashed his face over and over again. He was shouting, but the more I did it the quieter he got. It didn't take long for his choked screams to turn into gurgling, but it took forever for him to die.
But he did. And I did to, but minutes prior.
It was quiet now, no more screams, shouts. Just my panting breath and the cops muted ones. I took the opportunity to collect myself. It was still dark. No lights were on in neighboring houses. The cop was unconscious.
I acted quickly. First, picking up the heavy cop and carrying him all the way into the house and down the basement, where I tied him securely.
Then I did the same with the other mans body, but I left it in front of the cop and made sure his eyes were open. I rummaged his corpse, and pulled a wallet from it.
Inside was an ID, credit cards, some money and a few photos. Most of them were of a woman and an infant, but tucked deeply below them was a photo of the cop, the back of had handwriting but it was too smudged to read clearly.
I tossed the wallet aside, double checked the cop was tied up good, and left the basement.
I had to get the blood off me, off the walk, out of the hallway.
I was so customed to it, it only took an hour. I heard no noise from the basement. The cop must be down for the count.
Before dressing in different clothes, I packed a pair of Yoonbums shoes and pants gently into a gym bag, now that everything was settled here, I had to find him. And there was only one place he might go.

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