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What did I do?
Why did I do that?
They'll come for me to.
I was an accomplice.
I killed people to.
Sangwoo won't protect me, not after that.
I messed up. I messed up so badly. I'm done for. We both are.
I should have worn shoes. My feet are so cold. So are my legs. My arm is so heavy, I can't go to a hospital. I'm going to die out here.
Street after street, turn after turn, I'm not any closer to where I need to be. I keep checking the pockets of my shorts to make sure the key is still in them, that I didn't mess up even more and drop it somewhere. I really hope it still works. If not I'm even more screwed than right now, in this moment, with Sangwoo probably being questioned by cops as to where I might have gone.
But, he deserved it. I couldn't anymore. When things start to change, I do something to upset him and he goes crazy, he tortures me. There've been so many murders, so much blood, so much disgusting, smelly blood. And I did it. And for a moment I liked doing it. I felt powerful. But then, after hanging the guy at the festival, trying to run, him catching me. It had to stop, he was going to kill me. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in ten years, but I could see it. His eyes sparkling every time he hurt me. The only time they sparkled was when he was hurting something.
I have to be close now, it's been an hour and a half. The sun is coming up now. People are going to see me. But if I can just go ten more minutes, I know I'll be there. At my old apartment. I hope no one lives there. The old woman never could get anyone to rent, especially mine, after how I lived in it.
No more. I'm not going to live like that anymore. If I can be free, I'm going to change. I'm going to forget. No more blood. I can't take anymore blood.
I look left and I see a corner store, one that told me I was one more turn away. I sped up, my feet were on the verge of bleeding, I could feel my hips dip differently as I limped my way around a building and into an alleyway of shabby apartments. I could see the steps leading down to mine. There was a heap of mail in front of the door, I assumed it was from the many other tenants that never changed their addresses. I stepped onto it, not caring, slightly relieved by the softness of the papers compared to the gravel on the stone path. I dug into my pocket, pulling out a silver key and jabbing it into the slot, muttering under my breath for it to work. And it did. I sighed heavily and took out the key, putting it back in my pocket, reaching a freezing hand to the doorknob and twisting it fiercely, running inside and closing it behind me, latching the door shut as I did.
I gasped, letting my head fall against the door, holding my wounded arm. I made it. I could gather myself now. Make a plan. Make an excuse. Blame Sangwoo for everything. Be free. Never see blood again.
"Look at me."
My breathing stopped. My eyes went wide. I didn't turn around. I felt tears swelling and I fell to the ground, bursting into loud gasps and garbled cries. How. How.
Why. Isn't it clear? I made it so clear.
"You think I'm dumb all of a sudden?"
I just continued crying.
"Didn't think I knew you'd come here? Didn't think I copied your key months ago when you first gave it to me?"
I started to hit the ground, still wailing.
"Or, maybe, you thought I'd get arrested. Maybe even killed. And you'd be rid of me forever."
I couldn't reach to any of it, I just kept crying.
"News flash," I heard the swishing of his coat as he rushed closer to me, the collar of my skirt was yanked on and I stumbled backwards, gagging slightly, "even if I die, you will never get rid of me. Do you realize that? DO YOU?!"
He let go of my shirt, I fell to the floor.
My eyes were still shut tight, but I felt a mass of warmth cover my torso as Sangwoo bent over me, forcing himself between my legs, but not removing any clothing.
"See, Bum. I know what this is," he tried to pull my hand from my face but I immobalized myself, "you've hit denial. You don't want to kill anymore. But, and listen to me closely when I tell you this," he pressed his body into mine, I was full on my back now, his mouth was directly across my ear, "you'll miss it. You'll miss the smell of it, you'll miss the feeling. You'll forget who you are."
I finally managed to pull words together, "yo- you're wrong!"
He pressed himself even more into me, I could feel his heart, it was beating so fast.
"I'm not, you know it. I've seen you doing it, I've seen what you turn into. You aren't even aware. But you love it."
I hiccupped, "y- you h- hurt me.."
His weight was beginning to crush me, my crying was getting softer. He was doing it on purpose to quiet me.
"And I always will. I'll never stop. I can't. You know why?"
I shook my head, but realized he wasn't able to see it with his head dipped so low.
"N-no.." I groaned.
"Because it's my sick, twisted way of telling you.. that I love you."
His heart stopped racing. My crying had turned to soft pants, he lifted off me just enough to line his face with mine, but I still wouldn't open my eyes.
"Remember, I told you to look at me. Or are you done following instruction?"
I couldn't bring myself to. There were hundreds of emotions all fighting to control me, but I know if I looked at his horribly attractive face, I'd fall for it again.
"So you don't want to look?"
I didn't answer.
"Then I'll make it easier."
Very quickly, there was a piece of fabric being forced against my mouth and a cold metal object poking my eyelids. I realized what he was about to do, so I started to shake relentelly and whipped my head side to side, not letting him get a good angle on my eye.
"Either open them or I take them out!" I yelled and I started sobbing again and nodded violently. I heard the object clank on the floor and the cloth was removed.
I slowly opened my eyes, and there he was. His dyed hair drenched in sweat, his eyes stained red, and his cheeks marked with tears, looking down at me with heartbreak.
We stared at each other. My heart had completely relaxed.
Then, without warning, Sangwoo forced a knife inside my chest.

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