3. A Memorable Conversation

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Sophie hurried down the steps and met me outside the dorm. After a split second, the blonde-haired boy, who had been staring at me, and his roommate (I'm guessing) came out of the door from the opposite dorm.

As Sophie and I were chatting and walking, I noticed the two boys purposely trying to catch up to our pace. It took about 2 minutes to get to the cafeteria, since our dorm was just about in the middle of everything.

The line for the cafeteria was spiraling out the door. "That's just great," I thought to myself.

"Hey, Lauren!" I heard a low voice in line behind me that kind of startled me, "I'm Ryan, do you remember me?" I turned around to face the blonde-haired boy.

As a matter of fact, I didn't remember. I was searching my brain trying to figure out where I knew this Ryan.

After a long enough pause, he could tell I had no idea from where I knew him, so he helped me out.

"I went to Northlake High School with you last year for senior year," he said trying to help me recollect.

And then it hit me. That was the guy Claire had the HUGEST crush on all of last year. I tried to stay composed as my heart started beating faster.

"Oh, yeah! How are you?" was about all I could manage to say before blushing to a shade as red as an apple.

"I'm really great now that I know we're going to the same college," he said really nicely.

Thankfully, Sophie was still next to me and she took some of the pressure off of me.

"Hi, I'm Sophie, Lauren's roommate," she told Ryan shaking his hand politely.

"Very nice to meet you," he said before adding, "Lauren, Sophie, this is my roommate Connor." Connor was tall and athletic and had brown hair with hazel eyes.

I regained my composure just as the line to the cafeteria began to move inside.

Ryan began to speak again, "Lauren, do you mind if we sit with you? I really want to talk to you again...I haven't seen you in forever."

This was a very interesting remark since I had never talked to him before. He was a starter for Northlake football team and was very athletic-looking. Claire was hugely in love with him, even though I don't even think he knew her name. The fact that one of the jocks from high school knew my name and wanted to sit with me at dinner was actually extremely surprising. I was definitely not that popular.

"Sure! That would be great!" I said as I still tried to act composed.

A/N: Well, hey there! What do you think of Ryan? If you're enjoying the story, I'd love for you to comment below and vote as well. You're amazing! :) Elizabeth

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