10. A Perfect Surprise

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We drove in silence, thinking about the events that just occurred. I had no doubts about my relationship with Nick. I mean, he was so sweet, and he actually cared about me unlike my terrible aunt and uncle.

I didn't mean to hurt Ryan. I had no idea he felt that way toward me until he tried to kiss me. I still wanted to be friends with him, and I hoped he would understand.

Nick finally broke the silence, "Ok babe, we're here."

He parked the car in a parking lot. I had absolutely no idea where we were. The only part of Missouri I had been in was near the campus.

He opened the trunk and pulled out two blankets.

"What are we doing?" I asked him.

"Well, I had decided last night that I was going to take you to my favorite spot in Missouri and watch the sunset," he said smiling.

I was really surprised, but I really liked the idea. Nick just kept getting better and better.

I helped Nick carry a blanket, and he led me down a sandy path that stopped at a huge lake. The lake had a white-sandy beach all the way around it. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

We laid the blankets on the beach near the water.

I rolled up my jeans and walked toward the water. Nick put his feet in the water, too. I was taking everything in, and when I wasn't expecting it, he started to splash me.

"Stop!" I said giggling as I attempted to splash him back. We both laughed. The water was really cold.

"You know, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me," I told him as we sat down. I sat in his lap and leaned on his shoulder.

"Well, you're the nicest thing that has ever happened to me," he said, "and you're the only person I'd ever want to share this moment with."

We still had about 15 minutes before the sun started setting. I decided to learn more about him.

"So, what about you? Did you have a good childhood?" I asked him.

"Not really," he began. "My dad, who was an alcoholic, met my mom at a bar where she worked the late shift. He left home when I was seven, and he died when I was fourteen. My mom was not very stable at home. She remarried another alcoholic after he died. I couldn't be truthful with my parents because they didn't care. The only time they cared was if it involved money, which they would take from me. My older brother was the only positive influence on my life. He was what helped me get a scholarship to college."

I listened intently. It made me sad to think he didn't have such a good childhood, either.

"I'm so sorry, I know how it feels not to have parents around," I related with him.

"At the beginning of the year, I wasn't sure if I was going to stay for sophomore year, but I met you in Physics and everything changed," he said. "I have never loved anyone like I have loved you."

The cold wind was blowing across the water and made me shiver. He covered us with the second blanket and looked at me with his sparkling eyes.

"I have one more thing I need to show you," he told me. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a letter. It was addressed from Tyler and Ellie. I immediately felt the urge to fight back tears.

"When did you get it?" I asked him, my voice slightly quivering.

He handed it to me carefully.

"Well, Sophie knew I was going to take you here today. She called your phone right after you followed the nurse to Ryan's room, and I answered it thinking it was urgent, and it was. She was calling to tell you that a letter from Tyler and Ellie came in today. You were still talking to Ryan so I asked her to bring it to the hospital before we left, so I could give it to you."

I carefully tore it open and unfolded the letter.

I read it out loud.

"Dear Lauren,

Thank you so much for the new cleats! It was the most perfect gift I could ever get. I wasn't going to tell you this, but before you gave them to me, I was not planning on trying out for the team this year because my other pair were too worn out to use, and I didn't have any extra money because Ellie and I both have to eat. Because of you, I am going to try out for the state team this year to hopefully bring in some more money. You are the best cousin ever, and I'm so glad school is going so well. Ellie and I think about you every day. We love you.

Love, Tyler and Ellie"

Ellie had signed her name herself.

I looked up at Nick. I was smiling, but the tears were streaming down my face. Nick was silently crying, too. He wiped the tears out of my eyes and looked at me lovingly.

"He's going to get on the state team," I said laughing and crying at the same time, "and I owe all of this to you," I said my voice said still quivering.

His eyes were still watering, too, but he just smiled and used his thumb to carefully wipe the tears off my cheeks. I leaned in and passionately kissed him. We both felt the warmth of each other. It was the most perfect moment I could ever have imagined. After a few minutes, he finally pulled away and that's when I noticed that we were both really out of breath.

"I love you so much, Lauren," he said still breathing hard.

"I love you, too, Nick," I said kissing his cheek.

As the orange sun set across the lake, I leaned back on Nick's shoulder and took in this amazing moment with my best friend.

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