Chapter 2

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I must have drifted back to sleep because I woke with a start. Something had touched my face. The light was still on. I scanned the room but I was alone, yet my skin tingled where I had felt the touch. It had been gentle, soft and slow, like I imagined tenderness might feel like as described in the books I had been reading - romance novels, with courageous men and self-assured women. I held my cheek. The book was open on the bed where it had fell from my hand, my bookmark pressed back into the spine and wedged between the pages. I had not placed it that way. It was impossible to read like that and I had been trying to read before I fell asleep. I glanced worriedly around the room again, certain that I was not alone. Nothing was different, and yet nothing appeared the same. Was I still dreaming?

Eloisa. Do not be afraid. I am come, as I promised.

I heard the words – or did I? Was I imagining it? Was I dreaming?

"G?" I dared whisper.

Grant. Do you not remember me?

"Grant." No, I knew nobody by that name. I had never known anyone by that name, yet it sounded familiar and comforting. "Should I know you?" How stupid must I appear, talking to air? Thankfully, I was alone...or was I?

I heard a sigh...I felt a sigh. The air moved by my cheek, warm and damp. My eyes opened wide in shock. I couldn't see anyone but someone was beside me! "Where are you? Who are you? What do you want with me?"

I felt and heard the sigh again before I felt the soft touch on my other cheek, my skin tingling at the warmth. I screamed. The contact ended.

I will not hurt you, sholry. I will never hurt you, Eloisa. You are too precious.

"Precious? Me?" I gasped out loud, curling my knees up to my chin and hugging my shins.

To me. To us. To everyone. Very precious, sholry.

"Sholry? What does that mean?"

Princess. Lady. Goddess. A term of great reverence. You have forgotten everything, haven't you? I felt the sigh of regret and then the bed dipped as though somebody sat on the edge. I stifled a cry of astonishment and waved my hands in the direction of where I expected the person to be. I felt nothing.

"I can't see you. Do I dream?"

I am here. I can see you clearly, but your sight must be altered. You can feel me though?

"I can see where you sit, but not feel you with my hands. I know you have touched me – here...on my face." I pointed to where I had felt the touch.

I will touch you again. Do not scream. I mean you no harm.

I expected to feel fingertips on my cheek again, and was surprised to feel contact on my hand instead. It felt odd. My hand lifted up without my bidding and I closed my eyes tightly. Once they were closed, I felt a hand close around mine. It felt strong yet gentle, warm and firm around mine. Another hand engulfed mine and I felt my hand lift up. Warm lips touched the back of my hand as he kissed it. My eyes flew open in shock.

Sweet Eloisa. I've wanted to do that for so long.

"Who are you?" I was intrigued. The tenderness and longing in his voice was evident. I clearly meant something to him, whoever he was. Talking to emptiness felt wrong, so I closed my eyes again.

I am Grant. I am...I was once your friend. You have been lost to me for a long time. I have searched for you everywhere. Now I've finally found you and can take you home again.

"Home? Where's home?"

Ventis. Wolgen, in South Marfan, on the planet, Ventis, to be precise.

I could feel him gently rubbing my knuckles with his thumb as he spoke. It was comforting. I refused to open my eyes to see the empty space, and tried to imagine what he might look like.

"I don't know of that place."

Your mind has been altered in some way. I do not know how and am reluctant to leave you to make enquiries. You are in danger and I need to protect you.

"What danger?"

There are some here who know you are different. They seek you to discover your powers. Are you not aware of this?

"No...well – I know I'm different. I am tortured by dreams – visions – constantly disrupting my sleep. Very few people suffer this way. I've ... had treatment for it, but it has not been fully successful. The dreams have returned. As for powers, I have none."

Sholry, you have many powers. The dreams are testimony of that. That is your spirit connecting to me, us...your people. You wish to return. You are held here against your will.

"Who by?"

People who would wish to control you. They manipulate you constantly. Now I have found you, I will safeguard you.

"I dream. I know I'm dreaming now, but thankfully, this is a kinder dream than usual." One I had no wish to end. This was a first. It was not terrifying, strange but not frightening; weird even but somewhat charming and novel...ah, the novel. I had begun to dream romance! That was the explanation. "I don't wish it to end."

He moved closer. I felt the bed dip and then he drew me to his side, his arm around my shoulders. He felt solid and muscular, warm and protective where our bodies touched. I settled my head on his chest. I could feel him breathe, his chest rising and falling beneath my head as he pulled me closer and then tucked his chin down by my ear.

Sleep, sholry. No harm will come to you now. You are safe. Good dreams.

Could I fall sleep when already asleep? Who would have thought? A dream within a dream? Fancy that! It was a wonderful dream, even if slightly weird. I had never felt so happy or so protected.

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