Chapter 15

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Louder voices disturbed our moment of ease. Grant released me when Adam tapped on the door.

"Incoming, Talgen."

"It seems the stragglers have finally arrived." Grant said. "We should greet them."

"That saves Luke and John the effort of locating them." I said, as we walked to the main room.

"It does." Grant agreed, pulling me to his side. We entered together. The four newcomers stood in the centre of the room, surrounded by the rest. All eyes centred on us as we entered. The three new men dropped to their knees instantly, while Bess remained standing, her eyes sweeping up and down my form.

"This is the 'queen'?" She sneered. Grant glared at her. I regarded her with the same disdain as she afforded me.

As women go, she made the term 'plain' seem pretty. Even my generosity couldn't tip her close to 'ugly'. She was the personification of a witch - shockingly thin, with pale skin, a long face and a bent nose. I expected there was the obligatory wart there somewhere, but I wasn't too sure I wanted to look that closely. Her ragged clothes made her appear even worse; a long skirt and loose jacket in shades of dirty black were hardly attractive, even for someone pretty - which she was not, not by any stretch of the imagination.

Grant stifled a chuckle. I felt him quiver under the strain. "Sholry, may I introduce the remainder of my team. Mark, Bruce, Nigel and Bess. I'm glad you found your way."

"I'm pleased to meet you." I responded.

"I'm sure you may be." Bess retorted. "We might not."

"Be nice, Bess." Grant warned.

Bess snorted. "Whatever. Nigel held us up. By his usual antics, of course. I had to teach the girl a lesson."

"Which got him arrested." One of the new men chipped in. "Luckily, with Mark's talents, we were not held up long." This must be Bruce, I guessed.

"Apologies, Talgen." Another said. I assumed him to be Nigel. He appeared to be my age, more attractive than the hard-bitten men around him.

"I'll deal with you later, Nigel." Grant said calmly. "I'll allow the others to explain the new rules. Charles will make food for you. We have already eaten. Keep the noise down or I'll silence the lot of you."

He steered us to the door, although not giving them his back completely. He pushed me through before him.

"Protecting the bitch, Talgen? Is she not tough enough to look after herself?" Bess sneered.

I frowned. - I'm a bitch, am I?

Ignore her, sholry. She dangles a hook and expects you to bite.

- I can bite, Grant.

You do not know her measure.

- She does not know mine either.

I glared at her, stepping forward. "Were you referring to me, Bess?" My tone was even, almost pleasant.

"I see no other female here." Bess retorted.

"I see none either." I replied coldly. "I thought you were referring to me. I don't need Grant to fight my battles. I face fear on a daily do not come close."

"I'll come as close as I like, bitch."

"As you wish, Bess. I have no quarrel with you - yet." I answered evenly.

"Do you threaten me?"

I opened my hands and smiled. "Do I look like a threat, Bess?"

"You could be." She frowned. "I know you are a fat bitch and are not good enough for my Talgen."

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