Chapter 2: The Green Crystal

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Rilemann looks at Intx and says 'How comes your not feeling cooled?' Intx replied with an obvious voice : 'Euuuh... Because I'm a robot?' Rilemann frowned with an annoyed face and said 'Arg... I, I, wish I was a robot too' with a cold voice. Intx said 'Lets just go back inside' And so they went back inside. And turned on a heater.

Intx turned to his front and sang ' Life as a robot is wrong, I wish I was a real Man. Life as a robot is like hell? be happy with yourself. If you were in my shoes? you wouldn't last a moment? or even bear the pain. So-'

And Rilemann stopped him and said 'Let me cut you off right there. First of all, your terrible at singing. Second off all, your not singing, your just saying words with gaps trying to burst my ear. Third of all, I was the one who wrote that poem/ song and not you. Fourthly, you have no gander and if you were to have one, it would be a girl. Not a woman or a lady. Because you do know that your 8 years right? I know, it looks like your a man and not a boy or a lady because you are as tall as I am'

Intx sighed and said 'I know you hate the fact that am taller than you. But, you just got to admit the fact that am taller than you, even though am 5 miters taller. But still, it technically means am taller. But please Rilly, don't cry'

Rilemann said 'Didn't I tell you to never call me Rilly, Ever?' with an embarrassed voice. Intx then said 'Oh right, only your mommy can call you Rilly right. Rilly? ' With a normal voice. Riley then said 'Yes, no, y, y, NO! Not even my mommy.( I didn't really mean that mommy) AND YOU AUTHOR, STOP CALLING ME RILLY, CALL ME RILEMANN! ONLY MY MOM CAN CALL ME THA-!' And so Rilly kept on arguing and crying 'NO, AM NOT CRYING, Y-' And blah, blah, blah, blah. 'Aah forget it!'

... A soft breeze filled the room. It was very quiet in the room. Intx was thinking of a way to get out of the planet while Rilemann sleeps behind Intx's back. Intx turned around and said' What if it-' and saw Rilemann sleeping after 10 minutes. Intx looked and aggressively say 'RILEMANN, DON'T YOU SEE WE ARE TRYING TO GO OPLANET STORE? YOU KNOW WHAT? FINE LET'S JUST GO BACK TO EARTH! OH NEVER MIND THAT, YOU USED THE GIFT/ORE TO MAKE THIS SHIP THAT CRASHED AND NOW HALF PERCENT OF THE GILLIAN HOSTAGES WHICH YOU STOLE AND NOW THE 100 YEARS OF ALLIANCES WITH THE GILLIANS IS BROKEN THANKS TO YOU! A, AN-'

Rilemann(Rilly) had just woke up because of the noise he had just heard. 'Hnnh?' He huffed as he stood up and said 'Wa, what were you talking about?' And took a long yawn

Intx turned around and said 'Aah forget it. Just tell me how do we get out?' Intx heard snoring and turned around. Intx got angry. And out of anger, he slapped Rilemann. Rilemann didn't wake up. So Intx shouted 'WAKE UP!!' Rilemann then woke up. Intx then said 'HOW CA-' And was cutoff by Rilemann. Rilemann said 'You want to know how we can get outer here?' Intx nodded. The Rilemann said 'One word. The Green crystal. Now let me sleep while you go looking for the crystal' Intx said 'The green crystal is not one word. Its three' Rilemann said 'For god's sack, please let me sleeeep' Intx then replied and asked 'No, and what is the green crystal?' Rilemann ignored him. The moment Intx was about to shout, Rilemann said 'Its a crystal. That shiny staff. If you see it, you will know it is the crystal. Because. You know, it's magical or suff like that. Now go get it. YOU CAN DO THIS! GOOO!' And started to snore with his eyes closed. Intx said 'Okey. But, your still coming with me' And then Intx started to drag Rilemann off of his bed.

Rilemann said 'WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! I WILL COME WITH YOU. BUT FIRST, LOOK OVER THERE! THERE IS A MONSTER!!' Intx shouted 'WHERE!?' And then Rilemann ran. He hide under a dark and soft place. Intx turned back and saw that Rilemann was gone. Intx said 'Rilemann!... Rilemann!' And said 'Ohh no, I hope he wasn't taken by the monster. Hello monster. MONSTER MONSTER, I HAVE SOME MEAT FOR YOU! HERE MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER! HERE MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER!' And then Intx heard a sound coming from the dark roof. The sound of a monster came. -Grrrr-. A big drip of some transparent, wet yet thick. It felt worm. And another drip fell. 'It smells like spit. I think their is something up there. I need to check' while Intx went around trying to find a way to get up, Rilemann was already fast asleep. Rilemann became anxious about his snoring and tried to be very quiet this time to keep Intx from finding him. After a minute pasted, Intx flunked his finger and shouted 'IDEA! I COULD USE MY ROCKET BOOTS! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!' He yet again heard a sound -Grrr- in an even angrier state.

Intx then acted as if he had no fuel to fly and so he can't get the monster 'Oh no, I can't fly because I don't have enough fuel to use my rocket boots' A few seconds later, Intx launched into action and shouted ' HAHA! TRICKED YOU!' Intx went 10 feet and then fell down. The monster again went -Grrr- So, Intx started to move back to a corner. While moving back, he was awkwardly laughing and smiling ans said with a tumbled voice 'Aaah, be a good monster and go to sleep...' and also said 'I, ahh... I have still got a trick up my sleeve' He reached to a corner and looked for a button. He then clicked a buttton on the wall which was camo flashed. 

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