A nice suprise

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A/N Can I just say I have written this chapter and the last chapter at early hours in the morning, it's taken me a few days because of lack of sleep. I'm incredibly sorry for the time it's taken. It's 4:43am and I've just finished. Please tell me if you like it.


"Phil, wake up. Phil" I heard from a tall dark shadow leaning over me. It was Dan, I smiled at him and then remember that he was angry with me and it turned into a sad smile which slowly dropped.

"Look Phil, I really am sorry" you could hear the sorrow in his voice, I could tell he meant it. He grabbed my hand in a kind loving way. "Please forgive me, we can move into a better room& I can get changed in there, that is if you don't want to go home? I get to leave tomorrow but I fully understand if you want to leave. I would understand if you hate me." He dropped my hand and his head, he started crying.

"No, Dan please, you know you're my best friend! I would never leave you and I could never hate you! I will be here until you leave and then I will be everywhere you are until you're fully better. I will even attempt the cooking and cleaning. I promise you everything is going to be okay" I reassured him.

His head lifted up but there was no smile only tears eyes and wet cheeks "why Phil, why are you here? Why are you my best friend? You deserve a better friend than me I mean c'mon I'm fucked up and you know it."

I could tell he was becoming frustrated with himself as he thought it was all his fault but it wasn't. I loved him, I couldn't help how I felt so I just pulled him close to me and let him cry into my chest. A couple hours later we were still huggin, not crying though just hugging. We had been hugging none stop for hours and I loved it.

"Hey boys, are you ready to go see your room?" Said the nurse, she was the same nurse we had when we first came in, she was my favourite one and she seemed to be the kindest. She always seemed to have a warm tone in her voice and happy eyes.

"Yes please" I reply with a warm tone just like hers, "I'll just grab his things"

A very blushing Dan whispers to me "Phil you're the best person in the world." He looked down when he said it because he was so shy. He was cute when he was shy. It made me seem like I had all the power and he was just a young innocent boy, not how it normally is where I feel like the child even though I am older than him by a few years.


There a bigger bed in this room, it's almost the size of a double bed, the nurse just walked Dan over to it, I went to the chairs, there were two big chairs, comfy chairs. This would be a better night. The nurse left.


"Phil come here" the words came out of my mouth without my permission, to my surprise he came. He didn't even question me, "about earlier, thanks" I look to the floor as I feel my cheeks getting warmer.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with crying Dan. Everybody needs to cry every now and then" he reassures me. He's so kind, I love him. I love Phil lester, he's my best friend and I love him.

He sits on the end of my bed. This bed is bigger, it looks comfier too. I feel bad for Phil having to sleep on a chair, I wish he could just sleep with me. Not as in have sex but lay next to me. I sat next to him.

"Here I got you some stuff" he passes me a bag, it has some clothes in and some sweets and my teddy he gave me, a smile grew on my face. I put on one of Phil's hoodies then hugged him "thanks" I whisper into his ear.

He hugged back, this hug was a lot more meaningful than the others, this hug meant something. I think he could tell it meant something too because we both pulled away with the same confused look on our faces.

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