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I head home in the bitter rain. Claire offered to walk with me, but I need some alone time, just to clear my head. My jacket is leather and not very warm. At least it's waterproof I guess. I don't even care about seeing George and Laurel together. I'm sure they'd understand. I consider Laurel a best friend, and George is really lovely.

I start to shiver, and it's starting to get dark. I'm still about a 15 minute walk away from the uni and I hang my head, my hair in wet clusters around my face. I know my mascara is running, but I don't know if it's from the rain or my tears. A car drives past me straight through a puddle, which drenches me. This is the final straw for me. I start bawling just as another car pulls up slowly next to me.

'Nance? Come here.'

It's Paul. I look at him in disgust.

'Fuck You'

He sighs, and looks away. He gulps,

'I deserve that.'

I stare at him, shaking my head. He still doesn't look at me.

'Please let me drop you home'

'What do you want from me. You can't treat me like that and then offer me a lift acting like it'll solve anything. Piss off, I'm big enough to walk myself home.'

I start walking again, but he drives alongside me.

'Nance, you'll catch your death out here'

'I don't much care, Paul. I'd rather be out here than stuck in there with you'

'Come here, and I'll explain everything.'

'I said no'



He turns the car off slowly and I speed up my walking pace, but he jogs up beside me. He grabs my shoulders and turns me round to face him.

'Please. Nance.'

I look to the floor, and he shakes me slightly.

'Just, heat me out at least'

I start crying again, even though I'm trying my hardest not to.

'Why should I? I don't have to be here. I should be at uni, with Laurel. Studying. That's what I came here for. Not to get stuck up on some low life scumbag like you'

He doesn't appear to be too hurt. He looks quite annoyed, actually.

'That's rich considering you have a boyfriend and have slept with two men in less than a week'

I sigh and narrow my eyes at him.

'What exactly are you trying to achieve, Paul? You get me interested in you, then make me think that you like me, make me felt like I've never felt before and then snog another girl; try to win my forgiveness and then start insulting me? I just don't get it'

He takes my hand off of my shoulders.

'I don't know. I'm sorry'

I scoff at him.


I start to walk away again, but he grabs my hand to turn me round once again.

'I just wanted to explain what was going on. I don't want you thinking she's some random girl who came out of nowhere'

I gulp and look up at him.


He sighs,

'Claire is John's ex girlfriend'

I open my mouth to speak, but Paul continues,

'They never did anything, you know, sexual or whatever. She dumped him because she found a new boy. He was heartbroken, and her new boyfriend dumped her after a while, when she showed her true colours.'

Poor John. He seems to be rejected by everyone.

'I promise what I'm about to tell you is the truth. Claire turned up at our door, neither of us knew she even knows where we live. John got really angry and upset seeing her, so he stormed out to go to the shop. I was on the sofa, messing about on my guitar. She come and sat down with me. Nothing happened, she just wanted to talk and I felt awkward kicking her out, so I didn't'

'So John knew that Claire was round?'

'Yes, but wait a minute Nance'

I bite my lip and let Paul continue.

'She asked me if I had a girlfriend, and I said no, because we never were together, but I said i was seeing someone but it wasn't anything too serious'

I nod my head. So Claire is horrible too, huh.

'Then she just kissed me. I didn't know how to react, and I swear I was just about to push her off at the exact moment you walked in with John. I know what it looked like and I understand if you don't believe me, but I hope you do, because i promise to you that I'm telling  you the truth, Nance. I'd never lie to you'

My brain is cloudy. I'm processing so many thoughts at once.

'I believe you Paul. Well, I think I do.'

'You think you do?'

'Well, I met Claire after and she said you said you weren't seeing anyone or whatever. Also John said you weren't home so why would he ask me round if he knew Claire and you were there?'

His face suddenly becomes furious.

'Come to the car'

We sit in his car for a couple of minutes, neither of us saying anything. His hands grip the steering wheel tight, his knuckles white. His hair is dripping with rain water, and his hazel eyes are dark with anger. I sigh and look out the window, but he speaks up.

'He did it on purpose'

'What do you mean, Paul?'

'He knew I was home and Claire was round for a fact, that's why he left in the first place. He knew you liked me, right? And he knows what Claire's like, even if we weren't doing anything, you would've been able to tell what she's like, right?'

'Why would he- he acted so nice to me, he helped me when some creep made a move on me in the shop and everything'

'Well he wants you for himself, doesn't he? He wanted you to see me with another bird. Would've made you jealous and you wouldn't like me anymore or something'

I feel a tear roll down my cheek, but I didn't even realise that I was going to start crying.

'Don't cry, Nance. I hate seeing you sad'

He pulls me in for a hug and kisses the top of my head.

'I'll have a word with him'

'Thank you, Paul. I don't want you two falling out over me though'

'I'll do my best not to fall out with him. But he deserves worse than just me moaning at him'

I squeeze him, and he rests his chin on the top of my head.

'You still coming to the cavern tomorrow, Nance?'

'Of course'

I feel his jaw move slightly on top of my head, and I know he's smiling. He pulls away from the hug after kissing my head once again,

'Best get you home, eh? You've had a rough day and you deserve a lay in tomorrow'

'Thank you, Paul'

'Anything for you, love'

A/N: sorry this one is shorter than usual, but I'm rly tired tonight and I thought I'd include d r a m a to make up with it, so I hope you agree ha. Also I'm probably not gonna update tomorrow bc my friends are coming round and they don't know about this and it'll be hard to update discreetly, so I'll either post a rly long chapter or two chapters on Saturday 💕

She's Leaving Home - Paul McCartney x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now