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The sun had yet to awaken at the chilly dawn, but (Y/N) and the others had long gone since then.

The wildlife was still asleep deep within their burrows, though a small few scurried away from the group due to the sound of their footsteps.

It was a silent walk, which was a contrast to last night's events, where everyone enjoyed their fair share of pork, with a side of roasted mushrooms, which (Y/N) found to be quite delightful as she didn't hesitate to praise Jem's culinary skills. In return he offered her a bashful nod which was enough to put a grin on her face. His reaction was priceless, for a stoic looking man.

She learned from what Zeref had told her that Jem usually wasn't a shy person, just silent most of the time, although in some occasions he can be a very cocky smartass, which was just a way to release his pent up energy. Much like a puppy getting the zoomies.
Though she heard different from Rowan's perspective, saying he was just a coldhearted prick - with feelings.

She was curious how they banded together and who they really were, as well as what they did. But she didn't question them about it, as they never seemed bothered to tell her, yet. For now, she let it slip by, and wanted to get to know each individual more, in order to really get on their good side. Rowan was going to be an obstacle however.

She could already feel his gaze boring onto her back. He must hate her, she thought. Despite the act he put up last night, she knew Rowan wanted her to leave as soon as possible. But that wasn't going to stop her from trying to earn his trust. In fact, (Y/N) was all the more determined to befriend him.

She nodded to herself approvingly, coming up with a plan while failing to noticing the purple eyes that settled itself onto her face.

Fabian almost let out a faint chuckle but composed himself. What a strange girl she was, he thought. Strange but so adorable.

A few more hours had passed, and (Y/N) was physically at her limit, exhausted and barely breathing from her coughing fit. Her fatigue and sickness had gotten the best of her, though she was surprised to have lasted really long without fainting. The boys decided it was best to take a short rest seeing their new companion falling out of breath.

Zeref had a worried look on his face when (Y/N) appeared to almost collapse right before him.

"You're looking a little pale (Y/N). Do you need help?" The brunette bent down to her small height gently rubbing circles on her back.

(Y/N) stomach fluttered at the kind gesture before slowly shaking her head.

"I'll be fine Zeref, but thank you for aski -" (Y/N)'s voice was raspy, which brought greater panic towards the boys, but more so when placed her hand in her mouth with a huge burst of cough that came afterwards, which seemed to pound out of her chest.

"Someone get her some water quick," Fabain approached the girl, placing a hand on her forehead,"She's heating up."

(Y/N)'s chest hurt, her throat too was in such unbearable pain, her eyes began to get glossy.

Zeref wasted no time into his satchel and taking out a brown, water gourd bottle, before gently placing it upon (Y/N)'s trembling lips.

There was blood on her hands, which Fabian cleaned with his handkerchief, barely even flinching at the sight.

"Selena is the closest help we got from here, maybe she can take a look at her condition," Rowan spoke up, even he too was slightly scared.

Zeref swiftly carried (Y/N) into his arms, which caught Fabian offguard because he too was about to do the same. If only he were a little faster.

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