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I'm not sure what happened when I wrote and saved this chapter, but when I came back to wattpad, it wasn't on here. So here I was rewriting this chapter.

( / ;_;)/  \(;_; \ )  \( ; _ ; )/


It wasn't long before the sight of the Barracuda shrunk to a small dot from a distance, shrouded by the raging blizzard.

Unharmed, as a curious girl and a glowing blue wisp followed a blinding horizon where the beautiful voice echoed its mesmerizing lament. It was a haunting despair that needed saving.

Dark and desolate, amidst all the chaos (Y/N) was at peace as she let the melody lead her to the path of the unknown. White mountains stood with pride above the two smaller figures, with an ocean, frozen in time, awaiting beneath them.

Willow, the wisp, floated on top of (Y/N)'s left shoulder as they both came to an abrupt stop. A dead end it was.

They were standing at the ledge of the ocean that appeared to be split in half, with a huge drop before them. (Y/N)'s feet were only a centimeter away from what could've been a tragic demise.

On the other side of the glacial cliff, was a huge wall of unmoving clouds. It had different shades of grey, as if hidden inside was another storm. A low echo of the gusting wind proceeded to muse through (Y/N)'s ears as the mysterious singer never ceased it's lonesome calling.

"How are we ever going to find that voice now.. we can't go any further" (Y/N) sighed dissapointedly, sitting on the edge with her feet dangling towards the dark hollow pit.

Willow too showed a hint of dismay as it lowered its eyes and sat atop (Y/N)'s lap. Both watched the endless blackness below them as the enchanting voice proceeded its song from down under.

"You know it would help if you came to find us instead!" (Y/N) called out, cupping her hands to her mouth as she let the wind carry her message down the unknown.

Suddenly the singing stopped- as if surprised to hear an unexpected reply.

(Y/N) found this as an opportunity to communicate to the mystery muse, as she got the hint that it was listening to her. One hand gently patted willow's warm, blue head - to which she earned a gleeful hum from. On the other hand she held the beautiful purple stone Martha had last given her. It was a special gift she was afraid to let go of, as it was the only remnant left of her beloved friend, as well as a mother figure she never had throughout her motionless life.

"Your voice is very beautiful, but you sound rather woeful," (Y/N)'s voice softened," Is something the matter?"

Despite the howling breeze, the silence was deafening and heavy, it almost felt like poison dripping down (Y/N)'s spine.

After what felt like eternity in minutes,  soft whispers tickled (Y/N)'s ears.

They were gentle and almost inaudible, but the girl heard them as clear as day.

She was not alone, that much she knew.

Whatever they were, ghosts, spirits, they all crowded around her, though she could not see them - she could hear them.

Is this her? Is she our saviour?

No way, she's the chosen one, she looks too small and measly to save us all from this damned curse.

But she's so a fairy princess. Maybe she has very strong magic! Mama do you think she can save us from him?

Hush child we musn't talk so carelessly around here.

The whispers continued to bustle around the girl as she paid close attention to their faint commotion.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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