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A week later...

I have a habit of leaving my bedroom door open whenever I hangout in there. My mom was on our balcony outside my room, sitting on the couch while folding the laundry.

"I'm going to fly to the middle east to look after your aunt" mom said as she swipe through her ipad. My aunt was pregnant and has been dealing with issues regarding the father of the child.

While talking with my mother,  I felt unusually sleepy even if it was only 4 in the afternoon. It's so strange for me to nap in the middle of the day, it's not like my normal routine. I had a cup of black coffee an hour before I went upstairs, I thought I should me more energetic at this time of the day.

My eyes grew heavier as I talk, the more I speak the closer my eyelids pulled to each other.

As I drifted into my sleep, my body froze! I couldn't move a single muscle in my body. I couldn't even open my eyes. I tried to scream and get up but nothing seemed to work, my body was completely petrified!

"Is this how it feels like to be dead?"

It's like I was placed inside a sarcophagus where my entire body were tied up with million bandage rolls that captured all sources of my locomotion.

I could still hear my mother telling me about her plans, the worst thing is I couldn't utter a word. I felt so helpless, I wanted to cry but my muscles are being held by an invisible force. A tear dropped from my eyes, as I endured this painful moment.

While trying to figure out how to get out of this paralyzed state, I heard a strange voice talking to me. It was an incredibly deep and ogre-like voice. It growled on my left ear.

I had never heard that voice in my life, I can't even make up a word of what it was trying to say. It was the scariest voice I could ever imagine. The only thing I knew from that moment is that I was pinned down on my bed while being tormented by this demonic voice.


I counted seconds that felt like hours from the moment that I was physically petrified. The longer I was paralyzed, the more my body felt heavier. Somehow, I knew I can't open my eyelids but my soul seems like it went out of my body. I can see my room but I can't see anyone besides myself. I can feel that there was something or someone sitting on top of my body.

I whispered a prayer and after few seconds I was able to move again. My heart was raising and my muscles were a bit sore from what had happened. Heavily breathing and exhauted, I quickly ran to my mom and told her what happened. She said "You must have been dreaming my child". I know my mom has experience about paranormal stuffs, however she doesn't jump into conclusions right away.

I thought it was just a regular nightmare that will come and go. But whenever I hear a deafening noise that resonates to my left ear I knew that I was about to be pinned down.

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