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It was already spring time when my mother came back from her trip abroad. My mother was devastated after seeing me for the first time in months. We didn't got the chance to catch up with each other that day, my dad told her everything that has been happening to me and the house after she left. People that visited our house would complain about hovering shadows and unusual dropped in temperature. My mom went to check out our house for signs of any strange activities. She went to all the rooms like she chasing something she can only see.

"Now I figured why I didn't felt their presence before. They were here hiding under your bed! They were disguising their smell with your scent" mom said. I felt shivers in my spine after hearing my mother's words.

The days felt much better now that mom is home. I went to work the next morning with much hope in my heart.

When I was at work, my mom was left alone at home. Her pondering mind brought her the idea of testing the waters. She purposely sleep in my room to see if she would experience something.

Certainly these malevolent spirits wanted their presence to be known. My mother took her ipad with her and lay on my bed. The cold breeze coming through my bedroom windows made my room the best place to rest in our house. She was playing her favorite game until she fell asleep. At first, mom didn't felt anything unusual. She woke up with a frozen body. She said she couldn't move, unfortunately no one was there to wake her up. The unseen creature brushed his hand on my mother's golden hair as she screams while struggling to free herself.

When she finally able to move, she  went to grab some salt and spread it around my room while telling the entities to go away.

We thought the salt would drove them away.. But I guess we were wrong once again. Nothing seems to be working and we are all losing our heads. My dad even couldn't sleep well. As he remembers that one time when I was being attacked. I went to sleep in my parent's room. My dad put a cushion on the floor so I can have the bed. I woke up crying at 1am and I went to reach my dad while crying. I was able to sleep on the floor and 15 mins later the entities came into my dreams again. It was so horrifying that when I woke up I wrapped my arms around my dad's beer belly. It was hard to keep my hands as his stomach was so round. The look on his eyes was very sad as he can't do anything for his favorite kid.

One afternoon while I was laying on my bed, Mom woke me up and told me she saw a black frail hand appeared under my bed that was slowly reaching for my head. At the very same moment, I was paralyzed and dreaming of the same incident that my mom had described. I felt as if my stomach jumped out off my body in fear. In my dream, I was standing in front of my bedroom door watching my sleeping body. A dark crooked hand came out under my bed and caressed my hair. I had never screamed that much in my life. When I woke up, I was catching my breathe as if I had run a mile. I asked my mom how did you know what I was dreaming about!

I guess there are gifted people in this world that can actually see THEM...

Mom contacted a medicine man from her hometown out of despair. It was very mind-blowing how the medicine man knew a lot of detailed information about my situation. He knows how my room looks like and what happened to me in these past months. The witch doctor gave me a personalized charm and ritual instructions to get rid of the entity. The paranormal attacks drastically seized after the ritual had been performed. However, the unseen forces still visits me every now and then for more than half a decade. I've noticed how their powers had weakened as the day passed by.

I've dealt with sleep paralysis for five years and it was a very challenging journey for me. I joined paranormal groups and research about sleep paralysis through the internet. I came across this Native American article that shows how sage can help lure away bad entities. With the combination of herbal incense and continuous prayers from our local Parish priest the entities are no longer bothering me. I can finally sleep at my room comfortably. However, I've noticed that whenever I cried or get depressed the entities  always pays me a visit. It's like they feed from my misery, they get stronger as I get vulnerable. It has been two years since I no longer feel their presence. I've recently moved out of the country and started a new life. Away from them....

Although, the entities appeared to be dormant, they always come at night whenever I tell a stories about them


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