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Two weeks after the first incident, my mom left the country. I had a feeling that my mother's presence had kept the entity from bothering me, but after she left THEIR energy grew stronger.

My sleep paralysis had worsen that it kept on happening multiple times in a day. Crazy as it seems, there were nights that I cried like a child while I wrapped my arms around my father's back. Even if my father was around, I would still get paralyzed. I've lost a staggering 12 kg in a span of 3 weeks from all the sleepless nights I've got from my unnerving nightmares. I moved from one room to another just to find a safe place to sleep. The den across my parents room was my first choice. But after few days I started to experience sleep paralysis again. I went downstairs to find a cozy spot at our living room. I thought everything will be back to normal since I didn't felt "THEIR" presence for a long time.

Three nights later, they found me...

Because of the ominous incident, our house-helper was assigned to accompanied me in my sleep. Even though she was with me, my sleep paralysis demons would still haunt me.

One night, I had a dream that my soul went out of my body and slowly levitated towards the ceiling. I saw myself laying on the living room couch sleeping. I couldn't picture my face clearly, but I know it was me. As my spirit floats higher towards the concrete ceiling, I said a prayer.
God didn't let me down as I woke up instantly.

One night, when I was sleeping something yelled at my ear. The voice different from the first invincible entity that I had encountered. It sounded like a sobbing voice of a woman. She said "Why did you stole my husband?!!!". It was so creeped out because I have no idea why is she saying that to me. I had never and would never want to be involved with a married man.

Out of despair, I reached out to my mom and told her what had happened after she left. But sadly, she didn't believe me. It made me feel so depressed that even my own mother would doubt my sanity.

I don't know what to do anymore. I told my coworkers about my paranormal encounters, as I was telling them about the incident I noticed that my left little finger was way longer than my right little finger. I'm pretty sure that my hands are always been equal in length since I was born. Believe it or not, Physicians and Nurses at the nursing station dropped their jaws from what we discovered. One of my co-workers said that I should seek help from. a witch doctor. She said that she also had the same experience as me and an uneven length pinky finger indicates that a person is being possessed by negative entities.

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