•part 25•

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I woke up and it seemed like I had been sleeping for days even though it was probably only a few hours. I saw a camera in my face and saw Jake behind it. A few other team 10 members came in and saw us. Jake grabbed a nerf gun and the merch gun and was about to shoot at us. I picked up Lola and shielded her with my own body as I ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door and locked it. People started talking through the door,telling me to come out because it was "safe". They all left because I had been in there a long time,but Jake never left. He was getting very mad that I didn't come out. He was yelling at me to get out of the bathroom. Anthony started yelling back to him that I didn't have to,and that Jake can't shoot dogs and people. Jake got out the potato gun and started shooting at my door. He shot 3 in the same spot and there was a potato sized hole in my door now. Jake put the merch gun through the hole in the door and was about to shoot me.
I ran and got in the shower and close the door,hoping the strong material would protect me and Lola. I was still looking through the door,I saw Jake get yanked back. He was pinned down with his hands above his head and Anthony was up in his face. He was about to punch him and then realized he shouldn't punch Jake. He started screaming at him.
Anthony:I told you to leave Tessa alone!!!!! You abuse enough humans,do you want to go to jail for animal abuse too!!!??!?! You do not go near that girl or her dog!!! Do you understand me??!!
Jake nodded his head yes. Anthony let him up. Jake got up and immediately tried shooting at me again. Jake was quickly tackled and Anthony started punching him. Jake tried punching back,but Anthony was just too strong. Jake was knocked out. Anthony made sure he was still breathing and when he found out that he was,he just left him there. He came over to the door and tried opening it.
Anthony:T,will you open the door now?
I got up and opened the door. I put Lola on the floor and me and Anthony had a long hug.

Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now