•part 70•

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I quickly run out of alcohol.
Tessa:will someone please come with me? I need more alcohol
George:are you sure you need more alcohol?
He says and everyone laughs
Logan:k,I'll go with you...but you need to put some pants on
George:you weren't wearing pants this whole time?!
Tessa:even if I didn't,it's not like I'm naked or anything,sooooo
I get up and squeeze my fat ass into a pair of booty shorts. I also slip on some slides. Me and Logan take the elevator to the floor with the bar. We go over to the bar and Logan gets something for himself. I order a whole tray of drinks. *i just ordered ALOT of random stuff for everyone and they put it on a tray so I can carry it all*.
Bar tender:what room are you in?
Tessa:the luxury suite
Bar tender:ooooooo that's a nice room. Would you like if I finish making these drinks and have one of my servers bring them to your room?
Tessa:that would be amazing,thank you so much
Bar tender:your welcome,those will be up in just a few minutes
Tessa:thank you
I walk back to Logan and we start to go to the room. We get into the room and everyone is a little confused. Just then there is a knock on the door and I answer it. A lady pushing a cart with 2 trays of a bunch of random alcohol comes in and over to the table. She takes the trays off the cart and sits them on the table. We thank her and she leaves. I grab a couple drinks and we go back to our room where we were before. Everyone watches tv and we talk and drink a bit more. Everyone decided to go to bed and there was still a large number of drinks left on the table. I grab one and go into the room. I take a large drink of whatever I grabbed. I sit it down on the the stand across the room. Logan is already in the bed. I just get under the covers because I'm too lazy to change into pajamas.
Logan:aren't you going to put on your pajamas?
I slip off my hoodie and my shorts,throwing them to the floor.
Tessa:want me to put on more pajamas?
I say smirking. Just remember,I was very drunk
Logan:what are you doing?
Tessa:I don't know
I then pull down my thong and throw it to the floor next to Logan's side of the bed.
He whispers to himself. All I could do was smile. I knew he wanted me to keep going. I then rolled over so he was facing my back.
Tessa:could I get some help?
I was basically asking him to take off my bra. He unhooked my bra and let it fall to the floor. He then grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer.

George's POV

We were all talking right before we went to bed. Tessa and Logan already went to bed.
Mark:so are they dating again?
George:I don't know.....I'm gonna go ask them
I walked over to the door and opened it. I couldn't believe what I saw. I immediately walked out and shut the door. I quickly walked back to everyone.
Mark:so are they dating?
George:I think so
Mark:what do you mean you think so?
George:well,their bodies were very close and Tessa was naked
Their jaws dropped. We then all went to bed

Tessa's POV

Soooooo...me and Logan didn't have actual sex...but we did some things.

Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now