•part 80•

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I find my dress in a pile against a wall. I also find my underwear and bra thrown across the room. I go into the bathroom and put my clothes on. I then leave. I order an Uber and go to my apartment. I think they stayed at Logan's apartment last night. I change into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this,but Anthony must be really good. I'm pretty sore. I take off my makeup and walk over to Logan's apartment. I go inside and get Ev and say bye to Logan and stuff. I was honest and said I was very drunk and didn't remember anything,but I made sure Ev didn't hear me. I take her back to my apartment. It's Monday and about 8am. I get her ready and take her to school. I then call Kylie over. I tell her everything that happened. We quickly go to the store and buy a pregnancy test. I buy a couple of them because it seems that I go to the store way to often for them recently. I put them in the back of the cupboard in the bathroom and take one out. I pee on it and let it sit while me and Kylie nervously wait. I flip it over a few minutes later and read "pregnant". Fuck. I show Kylie and she hugs me. I start crying.
Tessa:I'm so happy to have this baby,but I didn't want to have a baby with Anthony
Kylie:I know
Tessa:I have to tell Logan
Kylie:ok,I'll go
I say while drying my tears
She gets up and leaves. *i know it won't tell you if your pregnant that quickly,but just go with it*. I go over to the Team 10 house and go directly to Tony's room and no one really notices. He looks up at me because he just finished playing a video game. I sit down in a chair next to him.
Tessa:I'm pregnant
Anthony:is there any possibility it could be Logan's?
Tessa:no. I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning and I wasn't pregnant
Anthony:I'm sorry
Tessa:we were both drugged. Bye
I get up and leave. I go to Logan's apartment and didn't see him,so I walk downstairs into his room.

Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now