•part 72•

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*after like 200 photos*. We go back to the hotel and me and Logan decide to start vlogging. We stand in the living room together and record the same thing on both cameras.
Logan:hey Logang!!! What's poppin!!!
We both do our intros
Logan:so today we are going to be vlogging the exact same thing,so,we're sorry if you wanted different videos from us
Tessa:but anyways....today we are doing our hotel room tour!
We turn the cameras around and walk to everyone
Logan:so we are here with Mark!!
We point to him and everyone cheers
Tessa:and Kylie!!!
Everyone does the same thing
Logan:and GeOrGe Of ThE jUnGlE!!
Everyone has the same reaction and then Logan's starts booing as a joke. George gets up and pretends to fight him. We then keep going with our room tour. We show the main rooms and everything. We then walk over by our room.
Logan:so this is my room
Tessa:and my room
Logan opens the door and I immediately see the mess left from yesterday.
Logan:oh shi-
Logan quickly covers his camera lense and turns off his camera,I decide to do the same. We then quickly pick up and clean and stand back to where we were before. We do a transition and point back at the room.
Logan:that's better
We finish our room tour and sit down on the couch.
Logan:are you going to call Ev?
I check the time and it's 2:30pm. I decide to vlog some of me talking to her. I get my camera ready and leave it laying on the couch next to me. I call Anthony and he answers after a few rings.
Tessa:has Ev been good?
Tessa:is she there?
Tony:yeah,one second,she's playing with Erika in the other room
He gets up form what looks like his gaming chair and goes to Riks room. He opens the door and they both look up at him.
Tony:Ev,your mom is on the phone
Everleigh immediately gets up and walks to the phone with a smile on her face. I get out the vlog camera for a second. Ev is now sitting and holding the phone.
Tessa:Ev,say hi to the vlog
Everleigh:hi vlog!!!
She smiles and waves at the camera. I see that Logan is recording her too.

Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now