Chapter 6

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As the week went on, I felt really bad for Harry. People were following and talking about him everywhere he went. People would line up outside classrooms just to get a glimpse of him or his scar.

As bad as it sounds, focusing more on Harry's "stalker" problem actually helped me since I didn't have to focus on mine. I still haven't talked to Draco since the sorting, barely seen him either. He usually looks away or walks in the opposite direction, which is just faaantastiiic.

Classes haven't been to bad, only problem I have is trying to stay awake in History of Magic. Easily the most boring class. Another problem is that her, Harry and Ron get lost on the way to almost every class... annnd pretty much everywhere else.

Friday was a great day for the 3 of them, because they finally managed to find their way to the great Hall for breakfast without getting lost.

"What have we got today?" Harry asked Ron and her and he poured sugar on his porridge.

I watched in disgust. I really don't like porridge and he's not making it look anymore appetizing.

"Double potions with the Slytherins" said Ron.

Maybe I'll finally be able to talk to Draco... Actually probably not.

"Snape's head of Slytherin house. They say he always favours them - we'll be able to see if that's true".

Also I finally got Ron to trust me again, I gave him some of the treats Mother had given me before we left, he forgave me preeeettty quickly after that.

I tuned out of Harry and Ron's conversation, i was thinking about Draco. He's ignored me for so long now it's starting to get really annoying. I'll have to confront him at some time.

As I was thinking of what I could say to Draco, the mail arrived. I looked around for my owl and was very relieved she was not up there as well. I did NOT want another letter from my father. Though I did notice Harry's owl. Hedwig fluttered down between the marmalade and the sugar bowl and dropped a note on to Harry's Plate. Harry tore it open and read it to me and Ron

"Dear Harry, I know you get Friday afternoons off, so would you like to come and have a cup of tea with me around three? I want to hear all about your first week. Send us an answer back with Hedwig. Hagrid".

Harry quickly wrote a reply and sent Hedwig away.

I looked at the time, "guys we should probably get going, Potions is down in the dungeons and I don't really want to be late"
They both quickly agreed, Harry more so. Guess he didn't want to give Snape more reasons to hate him.

Sooo finally another chapter/update. Idk. Its kind of a filler I suppose while I get back into writing as you can probably tell if you've read the rest of this book, the writing is a bit different... Or is that just me. It's not that good, hopefully it'll get better. Also I know it's short, for me it feels long since I'm writing this on my phone but yeah. We'll see how this goes...

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