~Chapter 7~

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I walk through my lucious garden and to the gate. I get my butler to unlock and open the gate for me. Then, I'm on my way down the mountain and to my childhood town.

I walk into the town and put my hands to my head as the memories came flooding back. I winced as each of them played through until, I decided I was done putting up with this. I opened my eyes and looked around and spotted Gumi's house. I knew this town like the back of my hand. 

I approach her house a sly grin painted on my face. I walk onto her porch and knock. After a deep breath the door opens, but its not Gumi. "Who are you?" a tall, green haired man asked me. I smiled and said "I'm Du-I mean Gakupo sir" I say respectfully "Is Gumi home?" The man smiles and nods "I'll go get her for you" He says in his gruff voice. I nod and wait patiently tapping my foot on the wooden planks that made up the porch. 

Suddenly, a girl with short green hair, and those emerald, sparkling eyes comes to the doorway. She scoffs and mutters something I can't hear. I smile at her and look into her beautiful eyes. They always made my heart skip a beat, even if there was hot coffee being dumped on my head. "So, what do you want?" she asks stubbornly, crossing her arms. "I just wanted to see you" I answer trying to get her to look into my eyes but, she kept studying my cloak. "mmhmm" she mutters looking me up and down, everywhere but my eyes. It seems she doesn't recognize me. 

I continue smiling "You do remember who I am don't you?" I ask. She sighs and shakes her head 'no' slightly ashamed but trying to stay confident. "We've been friends since we were little" I say pulling the hood of my cloak down to reveal my violet hair. I saw her lips part to say something but she stopped. "Friends?..." I heard her mutter and smiled. "Of course!" I say putting a hand on her shoulder "I know you were just kidding about the coffee!". She sighed "I wasn-" She starts but I put a finger to her lips. "Shhh, it's alright, okay?" I say and watch her as she stares at my finger like it was somesort of strange thing from outerspace.

I then get closer to her and she looks up at me and cocks her head studying my face. Once again, everywhere but my eyes. Then, I decide to use reverse psychology and I look right into her shining eyes and say "Your eyes are so beautiful". A blush suddenly creeps up her face as she laughs nervously and decides to look at mine. Suddenly, she giggles and wraps me in a warm hug. "How'd you know the coffee was a joke?" she asks sweetly with those innocent, childish eyes of hers. "Just a sixth sense" I joke and she laughs as we start heading back to my mansion.

Hey guys! Sorry about that little lull of no updates, I was just swarmed with school work and with sports going on I just couldn't get around to it... Anywtas, the usual author's note to follow, comment, and enjoy this chapter! Also, comment on what songs you think I should do next! See you in the next update! (probably tomorrow)

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