1. You

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Three letters. Y. O. U. It's very simple honestly.

The best way to trust someone, is to trust YOUrself first.

The best way of having a friendship is by trusting YOUrself first.

You have to trust YOUrself that YOU will be able to care for that person, that YOU will not hurt them, that YOU will have to accept to YOUr mistakes.

If something happens, don't start blaming it on others... Think of what YOU did. Think about how YOUr actions could've made it that possible way.

If YOU can't figure out YOUrself, that's when a friend comes in.

A friend is not someone who's always there for YOU... They have their own lives and stories to make. But they can just be a side character to help YOU.

They might not agree with YOU but they give YOU opinions and options from both of YOUr perspectives. They give YOU opinions from what they would do, but they give YOU another option on what they think YOU feel like doing the most...

But... As though this chapter may seem to be focusing on YOU....

Not everything in the world revolves around you...

Like said before, everyone has their own stories to write. Everyone has their own lives. Everyone is their own main character.

They choose to be their own author of their lives. They have their own decisions.

So never blame anyone when you lose a so called 'friend' of yours.

You may have theories, but theories cannot, and I say CANNOT compare with feelings.

That 'friend' did what they felt. You can't change them... They can only change themselves...

Don't force them to be what you want them to be...
When you do that, you're only hurting yourself with you're own fantasy...

Like said before,

Three letters. Y. O. U. It's very simple honestly.
The best way to trust someone, is to trust YOUrself first.
The best way of having a friendship is by trusting YOUrself first.

You have to trust YOUrself that YOU will be able to care for that person, that YOU will not hurt them, that YOU will have to accept to YOUr mistakes.


-From A Person Who Cares About You

From A Person Who Cares About YouWhere stories live. Discover now