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My name is Melita Crishtina, you can call me Melita. i go to high school micael leonard besides school, I also work,i work as a model. After work I usually meet my sister's , they are not my younger siblings but they are very valuable to me. Their name is Silla, Naina and Naica.

I can't live fully happily first because I don't know who my mother is. but at least there were still three of them who could still make me a little happy and feel a little feels like having a small family.

in my life, idon't have a best friend execpt Silla,Naina and Naica they are my everyting. I have never felt falling in love with a man. i don't know about love,and everything about love. one day they met me and said

" Sis, there is a very handsome man, they are the children of the owner of this school"they said with twinkling eyes

" ha? okay and what i can do for that" i told them

" let's see them" they said impatienly"

after that I joined them to see the handsome man they said. and it seems that many children contact them they shouted while whispering in whispers, when the four of them entered the school all the students stayed silent and stared at them. their name are zhio micael leonard, Roy micael leonard, Rezo micael leonard, reza micael leonard.

they began to enter school and all students gave way, all students follow behind them except me, when heading to eskalator, there was a male student carrying food and accidentally crashing into the zhio. zhio very angry and said

" Don't you have eyes? my clothes are dirty because of you!" he said clutching the man's shirt

" s- sss- sor- sorry " said the man with a scared face

all students are laughed and one of them said

"so..if you have those eyes, it used" said martha

" if it crashes it certainly dosen't have eyes?" i said to them

all students were shocked and zhio said

" hey who are you? how dare you say that, you don't know who i am?"

" i may not know a lot of you but he already asked sorry"

" oh so if you've apologized my shirt will be clean and if -"

unfinished, zhio spoke suddenly someone called him

" zhio"

"what the"

" it's time for basketball practise"

then zhio looked at me sharply and said

" wait for my retaliation " he then walked away from the place and everyone followed him

then i went to the man and said

" are you alright?" i said to the man

" i am okay, thank you so much" said him to me

" you're welcome" i said then i went to canteen

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