Chapter Eight

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I looked at him unnerved, the slice of pineapple in my hand. I examined the bruise.

"Fine, don't tell me." I threw the slice into a nearby trash can and pushed off the stool that I was sitting on. Just as I turned to walk away, he grabbed my hand.

"I'm not lying... It was an accident. You know, we just moved here a few weeks ago, we're still getting used to the perks of the new house." He smiled at that. "I wasn't being careful and I wasn't paying attention. She was breaking down a wall to make more space for a project she's doing and I just so happened to be in the perfect line of sight of her elbow. I'm just lucky she didn't cause any retinal damage." He looked at me for the first time.

I touched the bruise only to have him wince again. "Yeah, very lucky." I wasn't buying into any of what he'd just told me, though his tells weren't obvious. I didn't press it any further.

I bent over to grab my bag.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Calvin asked.

"Back to class?"


"I'm pretty sure I've got weeks of detention now because of you. That doesn't mean I should intentionally forfeit my test."

"I got you detention?" He raised his eyebrow.


"You followed me. I didn't ask you to tag along."

I sighed. "Calvin... You asked me why I cared. I don't know why, I just do... And the way you put it, you haven't heard, or nonetheless, believed those words in a long time. I want you to know that I am here. I haven't known you for long, hell, I barely know you at all, but you seem like a good kid, someone who really needs some 'TLC'" I air quoted making him laugh. "I wouldn't put myself in this situation if I didn't care. And it isn't in my plans to hurt you. I want to be your friend. Your real friend. Not just your "hi-bye" friend, you know what I mean?"

He looked to be take all of this in. I didn't expect him to hear me and absorb it all at once and just plain out believe me, but I didn't want him to block me out either.

"Ok." He said finally.

"Ok." I turned to walk out of the room.

"Alyssa, just one thing: you can't be everyone else's anchor all the while you're drowning."

I looked over my shoulder and examined him. I nodded.

I hadn't noticed when the bell rang. Guess I wasn't taking that test after all.


After ten minutes of begging and fake crying, Beady-the-Needy gave me a make-up date. Apparently, I can get away with not doing any homework, but missing a test would do wonders for my GPA.

I step into the music room and Mr. Atlinski beckons me into his office.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing much. Just letting you know the final date of the recital January 23rd. You have three months."

"That sounds close." I feel the anxiety rising in my chest. It was true I had gotten over my stage fright, I would still get a little jittery before a performance.

"You're not gonna get cold feet, are you?" He sounded almost nervous.

I chuckled. "Have I ever let you down? I'm a little nervous, that's all, but I wouldn't miss it for the world." I gave him a reassuring smile. "And even Calvin is getting along great."

Almost on cue, he steps in the door of the office.

"Hey, come in." says Mr. Atlinski.

"So, what're we talking about?" he said as he walks up to us.

"Well, we were talking about your progress for the song and--" I started.

"Since we're on the subject..." he interjected. "Um, the song..."

"Yes?" annoyed by his interruption.

"It's boring." he shrugged. Catching the irritation on my face, he continued. "Don't get me wrong, I like the song. "Let her go", I get it, the passenger did it great on that one. And Alyssa sings it amazingly. It's just... erh."

I have half a mind to ask him what gives him the right but before I could react, Mr. Atlinski jumped in.

He crosses his arms. "Then, what did you have in mind, Calvin." Agitation obvious in his tone.

"I didn't have something in mind, I just wanted to see if it were an option. You know, to change the song. 'Cause look." he exits the office and turns the corner here he leaves his guitar. He comes back strumming the exact chords to the song.

He hums the lyrics and ends with, "and you let her go."

I glance over at Mr. Atlinski and he's stern, waiting for Calvin's suggestion.

"Maybe something not so slow, like Stereo Hearts or Stay, or-- wait!" his eyes light up.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask Mr. Atlinski.

I look at Calvin and move Mr. Atlinski away. "You're not seriously considering this, are you? We practiced this song. You liked it. You suggested it!"

"I want to hear him out. Every year for the past 5 years, we've had these slow performances. I wanna see what he has to offer."

"Are you kidding me?" I ask.

"No. Lys, you said it yourself that you wanted to see a standing ovation. Now, you're a great singer and you can do that with any song. Give it a chance." he explained.

After weeks of nagging me to stick the notes and perfecting my high notes, he wants to change the song. I sigh, "Fine." I look back at where Calvin is standing and he's waiting for us.

"So let's hear it," Mr. Atlinski says.

"Okay. So it's a medley. Like ten songs within this one song."

"Oh, that's a leap," Mr. Atlinski said.

"I know, but it's great!"

"Which artist?" I asked, interested in the idea.

"I was listening to one last night. It was Maroon 5."

"I know that one."

"I've never heard it." Mr. Atlinski looked indifferent.

"Let's sing it for him." Calvin asked, his eyes searching my face through his sunglasses.

"I'll just look it up for him to hear. I want to practice it first before outwardly practicing it."

"Okay." He looked almost sad.
I had shown Atlinski the song and he loved it. He was a bit weary of the practice time but I convinced him that it could be worked out.
I was drawn to the practice room by the melodious acoustic guitar.
This love has taken its toll on me
She said goodbye too many time before
Calvin's voice as smooth as honey. He was talented. He was cute. He was a liar. At least I thought he was lying.
His eyes caught mine. And he stopped. "So, how'd he like it?" He smiled.
Damn it. His smile. I force one onto my face. "He said he loved it."
"I knew it." He hopped off the stool that he was sitting on. "So," he raises his guitar by the neck. "When do we start practicing?"
"Uhh, soon." I said, still bothered about learning a new song.
"Soon?" His eyebrow shot up, his attention brought to the calendar across the room. Three months was all we had.
"Yes. Soon."
"Very soon." Mr. Atlinski appears at his office door.
Guys, I didn't forget. I swear. I've had like no inspiration and I felt horrible about giving you guys such a small continuation. But to settle the craziness, I'll update this and make up for it in the next chapter.

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