Echoes Finale

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Following the massive Siege of Rhybloflaven, the Toon Force and Adventure Squad return to the Adventure Academy in celebration for their victory while recovering and trying to make preparations for future projects and an effort to repair the damages done to the city during combat. While this is going on, Nyando shakes Gumball's hand and pets Dragon Penny's head in friendship.

Cyrus stepping up to Nyando: Hey, kid. That was some fine work out there, y'know?

Nyando: Thanks, Professor. Ya weren't so bad yourself! I saw ya with your signature crossbow shooting the bird everywhere.

Frank happily agreeing: BOK!

Old Man: I'm very proud of ya! But why ain't ya bring your pals with you to the fight? I usually see you with plenty of people.

Nyando: Oh, yeah...About that. One of those towers, um...

Cyrus: ...It got em when ya left, huh?

Nyando: Yeah...But, hey, I still made it out before the blasts hit! And besides, I've already found some new folks out here! I'll just be sticking with you guys from now on.

Old Man: Good to have you around, sonny!

Cyrus and Old Man nod at Nyando and leave, when suddenly, the young boy glimpses Hali Momotaro at the corner of his eye and almost promptly turns over to her, gazing longingly at her even when she sees him in curiosity when her dragon notices him.

Nyando: H-h-hello. I'm Nyando.

Momo: Hey there, Nyando. I'm Hali, AKA Momotaro. But you can just call me Momo. (Holds hand out) Nice to meet you.

Nyando blushing more: N-N-nice to m-meet you too! (Shakes hand) I've gotta go get some water real quick. (Walks off with hearts surrounding him)

Momo flashing a question mark: "?"

Alt. Anais walking up to Momo: Ohohooo. You'd better watch carefully, Momo. It looks like you've got yourself an admirer.

Momo: Admirer..?

On the other side near the academy entrance, Danny's being met by Morbidia and Witchy Simone after they've seen him fighting in the battle.

Danny conversing with Prug, Skullivan, and Lady Hiss: You guys and Grup did a cool job out there today! From now on, you guys are an honorary subdivision of the Toon Force!

Lady Hiss: Does this mean we're no longer level 1 dungeon monssstersss?!

Skullivan: For once, I think you're right.

Morbidia coming up to Danny pointing: YOU!I don't know what you are or where ya came from out there, but your POWERS are almost as good as mine!

Simone grinning cheekily: More like better than your's.

Morbidia: Shut it! I'm gonna figure out those abilities for myself and prove that I'm the ultimate witch of Witch Way! Then no one'll steal my thunder!

Danny: You think I'm a witch?

Skullivan: Well you are as pale as she is, and you shoot lasers out your fingers. And out here everyone who does that is often considered one. Even dudes.

Sam: Sounds more like a sorcerer to me.

Gateaux: Now you know how I feel...

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