Ch 6: "Hiking Date?"

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     "Hey, wake up...~" Hearing a deep voice call out for my eyes slowly open to see Sangwoo laying next to me on the bed,
"What?- Ah! What happened?" I ask with a tired voice but my left cheek hurts, he chuckles.

  "Nothing important that you need to care about, only that I saved you from those jerk weeds last night... and that I kissed you~." He says snuggling into his pillow with a seductive tone, 'I remember all of that... and then he punched me which gave off this bruise.' My mind speaks.

  "Yes, I remember all of that and that you punched me." I reply a pretty bit angered but like I've said before don't let them see you angered, he grabs my hand for then kissing all over it making me red again for resisting the feeling of it.

  "But remember of how good it felt and that you liked the kiss. You liked that, right~?" His dark eyes look to me while his lips on my wrist,
"Y-yeah...i-it was a good kiss." I reply back with a stutter wishing that I bit my tongue for letting out the plain truth, he chuckles pulling away.
"I'm glad about that. So, why don't you be a good little girl and get changed into these clothes while I go wake up the Bum in the basement, will be leaving as soon as possible." He states as then walking down the stairs of the basement while my eyes see clothes laid out on the bed.

  Getting dressed to figure out it's a hiking outfit, dark pants, dark jacket with orange along the hood and a baseball cap.

  He then comes back up with Yoonbum and Sangwoo is dressed in a hiking outfit as well with a large duffel bag in his hand.
"Why are we dressed like this?" I ask looking at him while he puts a cap on.
"We're going on a hiking date." He replies turning to me for it makes no sense, 'Ok he doesn't look much like a hiking type guy and to even think about stepping one foot into the dirty grounds of the earth.'

  "But why-"
"You ask too many questions, will another kiss make you shut up~." He insists grabbing my face for his is close to mine, I look down blushing for he chuckles fixing my hat.
"Heh! That did it." He says walking out of the room with the bag.

  "So, he kissed you?" Yoonbum asks me with a bit of excitement in his eyes, I nod.
"Yeah, it was unsuspected... I liked it." I say fiddling around with my fingers, he tilts his head smiling.
"I'm so happy that you two kissed... what's that?" He touches my cheek for I flinch in pain,
"Oh, just a punch in the face from the famous Sangwoo." I reply with sarcasm.

"What the hell is taking you two so long?! Bum, you better not be doing what I think you're doing!" Sangwoo's voice growls from the bottom of the stairs making my heart slightly jump, I grab Yoonbum's hand as walking down the stairs with him.

   Seeing Sangwoo looking down at us with crossed arms along with a glare at our hands,
"Bum, do you want another punishment that involves slitting your throat?" He asks while fear grows back in Yoonbum's eyes as he slowly shakes his head 'no'. "Then release your hand from her, now!" Sangwoo orders for we do so but he grabs my wrist in a tight grip almost strong enough to break it making me grit my teeth while walking out the door with the duffle bag in his other hand.  "We will be back home tomorrow, Bum. Keep the house clean and don't cross the line." He says while Bum nods,
"Bye, Kai."
"See you later, Bummie." I reply back with a wave as to then the door shuts.

  The trip to the woods became long and quiet no talking nor eye contact. Sangwoo just gives off a boredom glare watching the road while my mind rambles on about why he's taking us to the woods. 'Hiking date?... Does he really mean it?... A date? Something's not right here.'

  "Sangwoo... I um... have to use the bathroom." I break the silence, rolling his eyes.
"Do you see a bathroom anywhere?" I shake my head 'no' in reply, "There's your answer, you're just going to have to wait till we make it to the hotel."
"But, how far away is that?" I ask, concerned.
"An hour or two away, why? Don't tell me you have to go that bad!?" He replies annoyed for I nod slowly, making him pull off the road next to a fruit stand. "Alright you go hit the bushes while I get some apples." He orders but pulls me closer to him, "I trust you, Kai. Don't even think about running from me, you're mine no matter how far you go I'll always find you. You got that~?" His sinister voice speaks having my spine shiver,
"Y-yes, Sangwoo."
"Good." He kisses my lips lightly but not long enough to let me sink in. "Get going." I nod heading out into the tiny forest and doing my business.

  Minutes later seeing Sangwoo sitting in the car with a face of no patience, getting in he takes off without letting me have anytime to get buckled in.

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