Chapter-10 Soul/Nylon
We shall start off with. . .
'Stupid stupid copy of me. Stupid him with my awesome looks and his awful clothes and his stupid magical arm. GAH!!!! It was going so perfectly with Alice. . . I said Kid. It was going so perfectly with Kid dragging me along even though it took me a couple of seconds to catch up then he tried rushing close to us which made Kid run away! It's all his fault. Stupid.'
My identical twin from another dimension and I were searching around for Kid while the rest sat back and drank from teacups, watching us. Occasionally one of us would yell at them to help but the replies were all the same, "You two can handle it." With my amazing hearing ability, I can even hear them secretly making bets as to who will find Alice first. This time I said Alice since they are still calling him with that name and I think it would be rude if I didn't use the right person.
Anyways, it's only been 10 minutes since Kid ran off. I know that he must be strong like that idiot but something inside me is still afraid of the chance that Sherma of Venom will somehow find him. Who knows what Azarath would try to pull. Something bad would have to me my most accurate guess. Metrion and Zinthos are of a smaller league but you never know what they're up to, being witches and all. But aside from them, I also hope that Lyla is doing alright. I think I was meant to visit her today but when you lose the track of time, it takes a bug to get you back on.
I stopped walking and looked around. The area was familiar and took me a while to realize that we were heading into Melosab territory. The only way you know that is because he keeps large flowers surrounding the perimeter of his area and these green sticks with rainbow heads are meant to use whatever their flower stands for as their personality. Some haven't exactly come out the way they were meant to though.
'I wonder if Kid's version of Melosab is any different from Wonderlands? I seriously hope so.'
My legs continued to wander until I got into a clearing. Soul noticed how far ahead I got so he came rushing forward. The first thing I heard was, "KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" from my copy. The rest of the gang, who came along, yelled out right after, "ALICE!!!!!!!!!!!" We all started searching around harder now, but all should already know who is doing most of it.
A minute or so later Hatter started complaining, "UGH! Where are you Alice?!?! You can't blame us if the two idiots are in love with you!"
We both glared at him but he stayed confident and continued to rant. I was about to hop over and punch him but he was scooped up by some purple thing. I turned to Twiz and Twatty and watched them disappear by a yellow thing. The same purple being also snatched up both Rabintina then Dorien. Blair just poof-ed away in a cloud of violet smoke. All that was left was me and the faker. So far I'm pretty sure I know which part were coming from but I forgot what flowers are in this area.
My question was answered when a golden flower appeared in front of Soul. It took him a minute to process until he screamed something about a lady named Marie. Above that name all that is left to say with his sentence, is no good. Marigold was smiling like her usual happy self and glanced back and forth between me, then Soul. Pansy came out of nowhere and inspected us as well. Her leaves clapped together in delight, which I don't know the reason as to why she did. "YAY! Now there are two Nylon the Greats!" Emphasizing the 'Great.
A nervous sweat dropped down the left side of my forehead. When I was a kid, before my clan was attacked, I had always dreamed about becoming the future hero along side of the mighty Alice and defeat the Queen of Venom. Being that of a dream I thought that I might need to learn my dimension powers first. Usually my parents were always busy and other adults had their own children to teach so I went out looking for a teacher. That's when I came across Marigold and Pansy.

Soul Wonderland [Soul Eater Yaoi]
De TodoWonderland, a place full of joy, happiness, love, peace and harmony. That was 10 years ago. Now the land is vile, crude, corrupted with disaster. Only two people can play the role of the hero. Yet one starts to mes...