Ch-11 Nylon

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Chapter- 11

"I AM AWESOME!!!!!!!!" (~Prussia)



The dumb brat gave out and fell asleep in my arms. I seriously don't exactly know how it happened, but his mass suddenly increased making it harder to carry him. My jumps were shorter than before and my arms were starting to feel like jellybirds. Because of this, I decided to just allow my feet to stay attached to Wonderland dirt instead of leaping again. Like a sophisticated person I was, I would have set the idiot nicely down. Too bad I wasn't feeling very much sophistication at the moment. I'm pretty sure you can get the idea of what I just did.

He woke with a jolt, first shouting, "I'M SORRY MAKA!!!!!!!!"

We stared at each other long and hard for a while. I have a pretty good idea of what he might be thinking of but I can't be too sure, all I do know is that I'm depicting the flaws I have. 'Is my hair that spiky?'  'I wonder if he used to hurt his mouth due to the sharp teeth.'   'Has he ever tried biting a person?'  'I know I have.'  And other stuff like that.

Soul loosened up and discontinued the contest so that he could look around at our surroundings. "Where are we now?" he asked. I don't know why I replied really, but I did. "In the middle of Melosab land."   He lifted a confused brow. I sighed, "Melosab is my teacher. He taught me how to control my space jumping powers, y'know, before my whole race died."  It secretly surprised me that his red eyes drooped in sympathy. Not that I necessarily was asking for it, but it felt somewhat nice that an idiot like him could actually care. But I would still rather have been stuck with Kid.

I sat down on a nearby stump and breathed in, then out. Soul moved himself to lie back against a yellow stone sighing as well. "So why exactly can't we just use your little portal jumpy thing-a-ma-flob to just  arrive at this royal chick's palace? My head did a little twist towards him, "Because I need Chesine for that. I tried talking to her about it earlier but she complained about how she wasn't going to the queen dressed the way she is. Only if we were both willing could we just skip over there. I don't know how to jump places on my own just yet." 

"So then how did you get to our world? And why?" He asked. "It's because," I looked to the ground in embarrassment, "I was searching for Alice." He frowned, obviously not satisfied with the incomplete answer. "AND Chesine was meant to be with me but something went wrong and I appeared alone." Soul then nodded. "When do you think we should get moving?" he asked. "As soon as you lose some weight." I shot back. Another glaring contest.

Soul breathed out an annoyed sigh and said, "I'm not going to waste my time when Kid is still out there." Before he could speak on I cut in, "That makes two of us." He clicked his tongue then jumped into the air. All of a sudden he disappeared into a ball of light which shot high up into the air, then came tumbling down. What once was a small white orb, began turning into something long with a pointed end. It was coming down fast and my arms reacted quickly to reach out for it. Whatever it was, it landed perfectly in my hands. Looking it over, I realized what it was. "A curved sword connected to a stick!!!" I spoke out on accident. Out of nowhere I heard Soul's voice yell, "I'M A SCYTHE YOU DUMB BUNNY!!!"

From the reflection of the blade I could see my stupid copy staring back at me. His torso was bare with a long scar running diagonal down the front of his chest. I let out a yelp and threw him far away, like FAR away, into a nearby bulb-tree. The bulbs dangled from side-to-side, clinking together all while allowing them to make a chiming ring in my tall ears. I always loved the sound of them, calmed me down whenever I got angry or frustrated, soothed me in times of sadness. The bulb tree came in special handy on the night I had found out about my people being attacked. The bulbs, like every other night in Wonderland, shined with a bright glow. Each having it's own color, I could sit on a thick branch and feel lost in my own colored world. But that night when I found out, the tree shined even brighter. It was so beautiful! But that was the last time it did so.

After learning more about my powers though I wouldn't hang around it much because I was too busy searching for a reality of that colorful world. Never could I find it until I met Kid. Getting past that subject, back when I talked about how that great shine was it's last, I meant it. Sherma's venom targeted many beautiful things as such, which brings me back to the tree in front of me, it also was dead. The bulbs that were left to hang had a slim amount of days before they too shall fall and break to millions of pieces. 

From the place where this 'scythe' had landed. Soul's voice shouted once again, "WHY THE HECK DID YOU THROW ME?!?!?!?" That's when I finally remembered, 'I forgot he can turn into a weapon!' 

I didn't bother to apologize, just walked over and picked him up. The metal sword-stick felt surprisingly light unlike that faker. From his spot I could here mumble something that I couldn't hear. "What was that?!" I spat. In the reflection he had his hands raised above his head while shaking his head at the same time. "Nothing- Nothing!" The scar got me curious enough to ask about it, he looked down at it like it was nothing and said, "Friendly issue. Not much to it." It made me mad that he wouldn't tell me but his face obviously showed pain from me simply mentioning it. Subject dropped, I was able to jump farther now. It wasn't too long before I managed to make it there.

I landed just outside the main area of Melosab's place, remembering the helpful advice given to me by Marigold and Pansy. I went to a nearby Ananab fruit tree and ripped off two of it's long leaves. My hand extended to allow Soul to transform back to his human form, before handing over one of the leaves to him. He took it and first demonstrated for him to tie it around his nose and mouth tightly. Soul did as told and did a doubled knot at the back, which is complicated to do with the ends of a leaf.

"So why do we need these exactly?" he asked. "Because," I turned to him, "Melosab is a bubblier, your world would consider it as smoking but our bubbles have an equal effect. The leaves are so you don't have to breath it all in and get some sickness or something."  I was about to walk on but I turned back and hissed, "Know this, the only reason why I Advised you to where that is only because you would be such a hassle to move around and I don't want Kid to be any more mad at me then he already is."

He looked at me confused, "What do you mean? He's not mad at you, it's Me that he's mad with. Don't really know what I did to cause it but you never know the mind of the three-striped boy." I nodded then reverted back to the area ahead. "Get ready to smell like smoke bubbles." I warned before walking in, disappearing into a grey cloud. Him gradually following behind. 

It was a blind view in every direction but I continued to tell the idiot to just take long strides forward and try not to turn elsewhere. A minute passed before we got to a clearing. At the same time we both heard, "You made it!!!" It came from the group to our right. Soul walked over but I simply ignored, ahead of me was a giant mushroom and the one who sat blissfully on top was the almighty Caterpillar, Melosab.


Hello my fellow Weapons and/or Miesters. I've been trying to update quicker with every other story so that all of them can get an equal amount. Hopefully you can understand someday!

Love and Hate ~ Always12345 / Nicole

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