Chapter 1: Not Just Her Quirk

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Above is a very rough sketch of Kula. She's supposed to be wearing a leather jacket but what are clothes?

Also I apparently have no self control when it comes to starting new book. Y e e t.



"Come on Kula, sweetie, touch this for mommy, okay?" A woman said, holding a cheap looking heart pendant in front of a girl that looked no older than five.

"Wait, mama I want to-" the girl started, only to get a slap to her face— with a golden coated palm.

"I din't care what you want. Turn this into gold. Now."

Holding back tears, the girl reached forwards and wrapped her hand around the pendant— which fit in the palm of her hand. When she uncurled her fingers, the pendant that had just recently been a copper color was now golden.

Taking the pendant from her daughter, the older woman spun around, stars in her eyes as she stared at the pendant in her hands. "Thank you, sweetie! With your quirk I'll become one of the richest people in the world! Of course, your father will too, the two of us will live a life of luxury that we deserve!"

Kula stared at the woman who was now walking away from her, her hand on the spot that she had just slapped. She had just come home from school, and those were the first dew words her mom had said to her when she walked through the door— both her parents were too busy to walk her from school afterwards.

"I wanted to show her what I drew today." Kula muttered, looking at the paper she had been holding carefully in her other hand, having one finger removed as to not turn it into gold. It wasn't drawn well— it was drawn by a five year old after all— but it was still easy to tell it was a picture of her holding the hands of two people, Kula's mom and dad. Balling her hand into a fist, the paper in her hand slowly turned to gold as the finger she was holding up made contact with it. It slowly spread over the drawing, covering it as if nothing was drawn there in the first place.

After her quirk manifested, it seemed that it was the only thing her parents cared about. They weren't poor, but they definitely weren't rich. Her parents made Kula turn anything that they could sell into gold, sometimes going as far as to buy cheap items to sell at a better price since it had been turned to pure gold. To them, Kula was just something that made them rich.

Years past, and Kula was now 12 she had managed to get some gloves that covered two of her fingers, a regular glove would just turn to gold the moment it was touched.

It was a warm spring afternoon and she was hanging out with one of her friends after school.

"Hey, Ku." Her friend stated.

The mentioned girl looked away from the game she was playing to look at her friend. "Yeah, Tai?"

The girl, Tai, dug through her bag, pulling out a pair of silver earrings. "I saw these in gold the other day, but I didn't-"

"No." Kula interrupted.


"I said no. I'm not turning those earrings into gold for you."

"Aw come on, it's easy! You just have to take those gloves off and hold them in the palm of your hand and wrap your fingers around them! Easy as pie!"

"I know how to do it. I'm not using my stupid quirk for your gain!"

"And why not?"

"Because I'm not someone you can turn to just so your cheap things can become something you can brag about!"

Tai scowled, the friendly look she had heard for the past few months disappearing in the span of only a minute. "You know, I only became friends with you because I thought you'd help me out. That's what friends do, right?"

"Yeah? Well I guess we're not friends then." Kula placed device she had been playing on in her bag, starting to walk away.

"Fine! Be friendless! It's not like I actually liked your rude ass personality!" Tai called after her. "I only became friends with you because of your Quirk!"

Kula gritted her teeth, her hands tightening around the strap of her book bag as she walked away. Normally someone would of been sad if this situation had happened to them, but this had become normal for Kula. Someone wants to be her friend, they get along for a couple months, and the person that had been called her friend ends up just wanting her for her quirk. This was far from the first time this had happened, but that day, she had decided to make it the last.

When she returned home that night, she walked past her mom who was already holding out some more cheap jewelry that she had most likely bought that day, ignoring as she shouted for Kula to come back. She walked past her dad who was holding out random office supplies, an idiotic grin on his face covering up the sinister look that was almost always plastered on his face. Walking into her bedroom, she slammed her door shut and grabbed a duffel bag from her closet,  starting to throw whatever she could into it.

Most of what she threw in were shirts, pants, shoes, undergarments, as well as some products for basic hygiene. She also grabbed a notebook that was laying on her desk, flipped to a page with a sketch for Eraser Head's goggles with some notes around it on how they could be improved. After dropping the sketchbook in and zipping up her bag, she turned to her desk and wrote a note, addressing both of her parents and telling them exactly what she was doing and why. By the time she had finished, the sun was already setting. Walking over to her window and taking one last look at her room, she slid it open and popped out the screen.

Luckily her house only had one floor, which meant getting out through the window was easy. Once she was out, Kula walked away, not even bothering to look over her shoulder at the house she had grown up in. From now on, she wasn't affiliated with the people who lived in the household anymore, she was no longer their daughter.

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