Chapter 13: Suprise, MotherFudger

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The week passed by quickly despite the school days feeling like they would never end. Kula found herself thinking about the past week as she walked to Ms. Ito's shop; luckily her parents allowed her to work since they thought it would be best, for them mainly, that she payed for most of her own expenses. Kula knew it was probably because they didn't actually want to spend any extra money on her and she guessed that paying for food counted as extra money.

Stepping off the train, Kula walked along the busy street and and turned and walked into the familiar store that was mostly ignored by the people walking by.

"Ms. Ito! I'm here!" Kula called out, slightly unnerved by the silence. "Ms. Ito?" She called out again, no response. She should be here, she practically lived at the shop— not like that was a bad thing. Not hearing anything in the back room or seeing her shuffle around the front of the room gave Kula an eerie feeling that made her thoughts wonder. Did Shitgaraki get to her because I'm not with them and he's angry? Oh shit, she doesn't know about my involvement with the USJ or the League, she wouldn't know what's happening! She thought, balling her hand into a fist and slowly walking to the back of the room as she mentally prepared herself to square up with anyone who might be in the back room. Tensing, she pulled back the curtain that separated the back room from the front. Once she opened it, Kula had to keep back a shout.

"Surprise!" Ms. Ito shouted, a wide smile on her face as she looked at Kula. "I knew you'd eventually get in, albeit a bit late, but I'm so proud of you, dear!" The woman said with a wide smile. "After Toshi told me about you getting enrolled into U.A. I spent the past few days planning a party for you. I even made a cake!"

Kula let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. She's safe, the League hasn't gotten to her. She thought Though I would of totally punched her if I hadn't recognized her...before clearing her head of her previous concerns. "Thank you Ms. Ito. I don't know what to say." Kula muttered.

The woman waved her hand, "You don't need to say anything, you just need to eat, you're still looking thin! You're getting enough to eat, right?" She shuffled over to the mini fridge that was kept in the shop for the two of them to store their lunches and pulled out a cake. It was frosted with black icing and and the words 'Congratulations!!' frosted on the top with icing.

"This looks amazing." Kula said, her mouth watering, she couldn't remember the last time she had cake. "You really have done too much, Ms. Ito."

"If I were doing too much, you'd be as plump as a Christmas Day turkey." Ms. Ito huffed. "Now, get a slice before you start working, I know it's the morning, but it's never too early for cake."

Kula let out a small laugh, reviving a slice of cake from Ms. Ito and enjoying the mouth watering treat. I feel like today's going to be alright. She thought, and after the hard week she just had between school and mental breakdowns, Kula needed and easy day.


Later that morning, Kula was switching out some old support items in need of a cleaning for new, shiny, ones in the display window when the bell at the door chimed. Kula shifted from her spot behind the display curtain to look to see who had entered since there was a curtain covering the window and blocking her view outside. Though when she saw who had entered her heart skipped a beat in panic when she saw who it was.

A tired looking bandaged Eraser Head was standing in the doorway, his signature goggles in his hand broken— it seemed all the screws had come loose, Kula assumed that he was at the shop to get them repaired. Hiding behind one of the display shelves, Kula thought back to the interaction between the two of them that happened earlier that week, he might still be her favorite hero, but she didn't want to see the judgement in his eyes, or have him judge Mrs. Ito because the woman had been so kind as to hire Kula in the first place.

The bell at the counter brought Kula out of her thoughts, and she looked over to see that Eraser Head was now standing at the front counter, waiting for someone to come up.

"Sorry! I'm coming!" Ms. Ito called out from the back room, walking into the front and pausing. "Eraser Head! Oh, you poor dear, I heard all about the incident." She said, sympathy in her voice.

"I'm just glad all the students are okay." Eraser Head said monotonously. "My goggles broke last night, whoever repaired them at that company should be fired." Kula was just able to hear him grumble something about trusting Midnight with bringing his goggles in to some support company to get repaired.

Ms. Ito let out a small laugh, "Some of those companies are more showy than the heroes, they try to repair stuff by making them look brighter and cooler than the original design." She sighed, taking the goggles. "I'll have them repaired by this afternoon. You can come back then."

It seemed like he was leaving and Kula let out a sigh of relief, though she celebrated a bit too soon since just before the man walked out the door, Ms. Ito called Kula out from behind the display shelf.

"Kula, you can't hide back there forever." The older woman mused, her shuffling footsteps making their way to the display shelf and a hand pulling Kula out from behind it, having her now out in the open and staring at EraserHead with wide eyes.

I knew I shouldn't of told her that he was my favorite hero. Kula thought. "I should go to the back room, I have to get some... more supplies to display." She said, starting to back away under Eraser Head's glare.

"Ito. Are you aware that this girl was a part of the USJ incident?" He asked, and Kula felt dread rise up and tears start to sting the corners of her eyes.

Once Ms. Ito finds out about what I did... well, I guess I can kiss this job goodbye. Damn, I was really liking this job too.

"What do you mean, Eraser Head?" My. Ito asked.

"This girl here was on the side of the villains that broke in, you've employed a criminal."

Kula felt the tears stinging her eyes and threatening to overflow onto her face, but she held it in— not because she was keeping up her tough exterior, but it was also the fact that she didn't want to have a mental breakdown in front of Eraser Head— he was still her favorite hero even if her job was being threatened by him, kinda messed up once someone really thinks about it.

"Kula, is this true?" Ms. Ito asked, looking at the younger girl standing next to her.

Kula didn't respond, avoiding eye contact, though that seemed to answer Ms. Ito's question.

A hand was placed on Kula's shoulder and she mentally prepared herself as she waited Ms. Ito to fire her.

"I don't care. I've known Kula for just over a year and a half, and even if she was a part of that incident, I can't believe that it was on her own will."

Kula looked up at Ms. Ito in shock, a strange warm feeling in her chest as she saw the sympathetic and... loving... look in her eyes. Am I... not being fired?

"If you're alright with a criminal working in your shop, I can't stop you. I'll be back this afternoon to get my goggles." Eraser Head said, turning around and walking out the door.

Kula glanced at Ms. Ito, expecting the woman's expression to change into a scowl, but when it didn't a slight amount of confusion overcame her. "Ms. Ito... were you telling the truth when you said that? You still want me here, even after knowing what I've done?"

"I know you, Kula. You might act like you're tough, but I've seen you when you talk about support items. Your passionate, but that passion isn't aimed towards evil intent."

Kula was quiet after that, getting slightly lost in her thoughts. Ms. Ito didn't know about her quirk— in fact the older woman thought she was quirkless— but she defended Kula, even after she heard what she had been a part of. So why... why did she defend me?

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