Chapter 3: Might Have Killed A Guy

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She had assumed it was abandoned due to the amount of criminal activity that happened around the area, mugging, murders, kidnappings. Those events would scare away anyone who even thought about living in the area. But there was a reason that Kula was able to live there— and that reason was leaning just outside the entrance to the building, wearing a black hoodie and holding a DS in his hands, middle fingers lifted as to not effect it with his quirk.

"What a pleasure to see you, Shigaraki."

Shikigari looked up from the game he was playing, a sinister grin appearing on his face. "Kula. What a coincidence."

"Yeah, if you call waiting outside the exact abandoned apartment building that I live in a coincidence. What do you need." She spat, narrowing her eyes and staring at the man with pure hatred.

"Well, we're running a little low on money and it would be really nice if we had, oh I don't know, some gold." His voice was sickly sweet, but the underlying tone of greed and malice was still there.

"I'm not doing it." Kula said.

The grin fell from Shigaraki face and he walked up to Kula, his eyes glinting as he reached up and grabbed her throat, one finger hovering over her skin. "Refusing might not be the best choice, remember who's the one that's letting you live here unharmed."

He was right, the villains in this area seemed to follow his command as if he were their leader— and if anything Kula believed that he was. While he might have child-like tantrums at times, there were those moments where he did act as someone who could lead.

Moving back out of his grip, Kula shot him a dirty look, "Fine. Lead the way." Asshole. She hated doing anything for the guy, he was a villain after all and helping him meant that she was going against society as well as her own morals, but he would kill her in an instant if she didn't do what he needed. And no matter how much she despised him, she didn't want to loose her life over something like this.

"I knew you'd come around." Shigaraki said, the grin returning to his face as he started walking away. "Imagine if I made this trip all the way across town just to hear you refuse to help me. Such a waste of my time~"

The two continued to walk, Shigaraki leading Kula through dark alleyways and underground tunnels so they wouldn't be seen by any heroes. As they walked, Kula listened as Shigaraki ranted to himself about All Might being in the news for defeating a sludge villain the day before.

The two of them had walked for at least two hours before they reached their destination. The sun had now set and they were standing in another alleyway, the shadows concealing the both of them.

"Any minute now." Shigaraki mused to himself, and just as he said that, a black portal opened up and a man fell in front of the two, tied and gagged. He looked up fearfully at Shigaraki, muffled screams making their way to Kula's ears. "There he is. You've stolen the money that we thought you would keep safe. But since you spent up almost all of those funds, I think it's only reasonable that you become those funds. Kula." He looked back at the girl, who was staring unmovingly down at the man with wide eyes. Grabbing her arm and pulling her forwards, Shigaraki tightened his grip around her forearm, decaying a bit of the jacket she had been wearing before he removed his hand. "Go on. Remove those gloves before I do it for you."

Ignoring the bile that was starting to rise in her throat and the tears that stung at her eyes, Kula slid her glove off, a mixture of panic and anxiety rising up at the thought of what was about to happen. Walking up to him, she knelt down and reached out to him with her trembling hand. Without a word, she placed all five of her fingers on the man's chest, gold starting to spread from them.

It wasn't even five minutes later that the man was completely covered in gold, the terrified expression on his face now frozen forever. Standing up abruptly, Kula slid her glove back on and turned around to face Shigaraki.

"There, you got what you wanted. Now I'm going home." She said simply, trying hard to keep her voice from shaking.

"Thank you. That's all we need from you. For now." With that, Shigaraki disappeared in a black mist, and Kula felt it surround herself as well, leaving her standing in the apartment building she had lived in for the past two years. Unable to keep herself up, she crumbled to her knees and and took deep breaths trying to calm herself down from the panic that had overcome her— something that happened after each time she 'helped' Shigaraki.

This experience wasn't new to her, in fact, she was used to it. After he had caught wind of her quirk, he had appeared in her apartment and told her that she would be able to live in the area without any trouble from the local villains if she had done small 'favors' for him. Being naive, Kula agreed to help him thinking only of having a place to live in for the next few years and not thinking about what she would have to do for him. Kill somebody just so he could satisfy his greed. When she fully coated somebody— or something— in gold with her quirk, it turns completely into gold, inside and out. Which meant that whenever she turned a person into complete gold, their organs become the shining substance as well, causing their heart to stop pumping and almost immediately killing them.

Thinking about it, it was almost completely ironic, she had run away from home because everyone only wanted her for her quirk because it would make them rich; and now she was only alive because her quirk was helping villains get rich. But this was her life now, and it wasn't like it was going to change any time soon.

It had been just over half an hour before Kula had managed to calm herself down and she shakily got up from the floor. Walking over towards a small set up in the middle of what used to be a living room, she switched on the small battery operated radio and sat with her back against the wall, letting Present Mic's voice drown out the remaining anxiety.

"Hello Listeners and welcome back to my radio show!"

Kula listened as he chatted a little with callers, answering their questions and playing their song requests, tuning in to hear what he was saying every now and again.

"That's right! The U.A. Exams are only a few months away, so any of you listeners wanting to get into that school better start studying now!" Present Mic exclaimed, responding to a caller who had asked about him being a teacher.

Right. The U.A. Entrance exams... Kula said, remembering Ms. Ito's words about how she would be great in the support course. Yeah, like that'd ever happen, if anything I'll be arrested as an accomplice to some sort of that man-child's plans. She chuckled slightly at the thought as she moved to look out the window to see that the sun had already risen in the sky.

"Another sleepless night." She muttered to herself as she picked up her idea book and leaned back against the wall. "Nothing unusual there, I guess" With that, she flipped her sketchbook to an empty page and started sketching, working on her newest support item.

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