II. Cuts and burises

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•Albert's POV•

It was still dark outside, selozar continued recommending me to sleep but I didn't accept his offer. I'd rather let my flamingo rest peacefully before I could. I yawned, I needed time to rehabilitate this but I had to sleep at some point as well, I sighed as my brain rushed with questions. Everything felt foggy and it was exhausting, so I decided to give in and go to bed.

It was morning and I heard Selozar mumbling a tone that I could only faintly hear, picked up my flamingo and carried it toward the main room which selozar stayed in, "We need to head out to look for food and Alonetraveler" selozar said, he was quite annoyed and mad for some reason but I didn't want to question it. "Alright" I replied as I carefully placed my flamingo in the black backpack he gave me, I slightly smiled at him but he didn't respond.

It was nearly dark and me and Selozar got lost and stuck in the shed we were in. We had food but couldn't find Alonetraveler. We also found this house while searching.

We weren't too far away so we walked there, until we heard something rushing towards us we both panicked and ran towards the house but I tripped on a branch falling and rushing towards the floor I felt something cold hold me from my chest to legs. I shut my eyes tightly as I hyperventilated, I felt a sharp object cutting my cheek and after hearing a loud gunshot and being released from the grip then selozar carried me towards the house.

"Are you okay?" I heard Selozar say in a worried tone, yet his voice always seemed to calm me, "yeah I'll be okay" I smiled feeling the blood flow through my cut, he dragged his bag in front of us and pulled out a first aid kit "I believe I had hydrogen peroxide somewhere in here..." he said looking for it, after a while he took out a brown bottle and a cotton ball. He put some of the liquid on the cotton ball and carefully cleaned off the blood, he patted the cotton on my cut, it stung for a moment but it stopped after a while.

Afterwards he put on a bandage which covered most of the cut. I smiled and thanked him again and he nodded. I yawned and saw my flamingo sleeping in between us. I slowly picked him up and took him upstairs, "goodnight selozar" I smiled "night Albert" he responded.

I laid him down next to me as I laid down, it was pretty cold outside well obviously it was still snowing, but didn't want to mention it as much, well it wasn't like Selozar was ever talking that much to me, it was strange he was always quiet but normally when Alonetraveler was around. I didn't understand if I did something wrong or did something happen to him while I was gone.

•Selozar's POV•

I saw Albert walk upstairs and say goodnight I responded by saying nearly the same, I was quite worried since Alonetraveler never told me what the creature actually did hurt other things or well in this case humanoids but I always stay away from it, it creeps me out. I walked upstairs and checked on Albert, he warmly smiled in his sleep which in return made me slightly smile, so I carefully closed his door and walked in my room putting my bag next to the bed with my gun and slept.

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