but i guess i know you now

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"There you are with your college friends
You played in a marching band
I can't help but wish I knew you then
But I guess I know you now"


It technically wasn't Camila's first day of her freshman year of college.

It was Wednesday; her second day.

But it was also technically still her first day all over again because she was going to have to sit through entirely different courses for her Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule.

If she was being honest with herself, she wasn't ready.

But she managed to convince herself that she was "as ready as she'd ever be" because who is ever "ready" for college?

When she had woken up for her first day at 7:00 on Tuesday morning, she couldn't help the silent wish to be back at home—not needing to silence an alarm clock because high school was over.

Unfortunately, there was still college.

The University of Virginia was the college that she had fallen in love with.

Oddly enough, she didn't fall in love with the University of Florida like she had expected to. Charlottesville was a nice place; natural, and worlds different from Miami (where she had grown up).

College was her chance to get out of the shy, introverted, quiet girl. The girl who sat by herself during lunch, who had her heart broken several times because she always had hardcore crushes on the worst kinds of people, who would stalk her crushes' Instagram accounts until they would post a picture with a homophobic caption—or until they would use the 'n-word' in a caption when they're not black, or until they'd post something extremely immature, or until she would find out that they were a Donald Trump supporter; and she'd be extremely disillusioned by the thought of them—who created crushes within her mind based on the cute person (not the actual cute person, but for some reason her mind was always set on believing that they are the actual cute person, thus falling in love with the ideas of people who never actually existed in the first place), who dressed up and starved herself just for her crushes (her crushes who never turned out to be who she would daydream them up to be), who tripped in front of a super cute guy one time in seventh grade and is still mortified about it to this day, who is so beautiful and would put up with fuckboys harassing her and catcalling her because she was too scared to tell them to stop, who...well, to put it into simpler terms, she was an insecure hopeless romantic.

So, if she was going to change, she would go big or go home, and that was her exact mindset when she chose the University of Virginia over the University of Florida.

Camila was 18 years old—starting her freshman year of college, in her first class of the day, sat in the very top row of the lecture hall, 9:45 in the morning; nervous.

"Girl, you are so pretty."

Camila heard a voice say as she felt the presence of another standing beside her.

She looked up to be met with a beautiful, tall, curvalicious, blonde girl—no, woman.

"Uh," Camila blanked for a second, "me?"

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