it looks as if i've stumbled right into the palm of your hand

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"It looks as if I've stumbled right into the palm of your hand"


It was later that Friday night when Camila finally finished her homework for the following day.

She had been procrastinating far too much for a college student, and she was determined to change that. But it was hard to change that when her mind was so full of Lauren.

Lauren still hadn't texted her.

She opened her eyes to stare up into her dorm room ceiling, finding it useless to close her eyes because that was when Lauren's cute smile and cute eyes and cute face would become the most vivid.

It was stupid really; how hard she was crushing on Lauren. Such is the life of a hopeless romantic, Camila tells herself in order to ease her conscience.

She was definitely checking me out on the first day, but maybe she wasn't.

But she held the door open for me. But strangers hold the door open for other strangers all the time.

And I caught her staring at my ass. But maybe she wasn't staring at my ass.

But she asked to walk with me.

But she called me pretty.

And she asked for my number.

And I think that she was flirting.

Maybe that wasn't flirting...

But why would flirt with me anyways?

She probably has a girlfriend already.

UVA is a college full of beautiful girls with beautiful personalities and beautiful faces and beautiful bodies, and I'm no past decent-

A wetness on Camila's cheek interrupted her thoughts. Then, a sniffle. Then, a lump in her throat. Then, she realized that she was crying.

She can play with a girl's heartstrings like a guitar though, Camila tried before her own conscience easily betrayed her, but Dinah also said that she's really sweet.

She turned towards the wall, allowing her tears to irritate her chin and neck as they slipped down.

You're really crying over a crush right now. So pathetic.

It's probably better that I stay single forever since I'm so insecure about everything. It's probably a sign from God that I haven't been in a relationship yet—haven't had my first kiss, haven't gone on a single date, haven't ever been asked out, haven't ever had a crush reciprocate feelings, haven't ever heard of anybody having a crush on me.

Lauren probably doesn't even care about me.

She's probably keeping score of how many phone numbers she can rack up in college.

Camila hadn't known what time it was when she finally ran out of tears.

She turned to check her phone, expecting nothing more but a text from Dinah and maybe a missed call from her mother, only to be met by:

Unknown hi it's lauren :)

Unknown lauren jauregui from psych

Unknown i'm sorry that i didn't text sooner but i was studying my notes from today and i'm taking a night class, which is a stupid idea, but i'm doing it. don't judge me

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