Jealous? (Budo Masuta)

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listen listen i know i've done a million budo oneshots already but i've gotta provide the people with what they want
requested! thank you!
if u request smthn, for now lay low on budo ones, i love him too but i stg it'll be hell only imagining that dumbass

"Well hello~." Y/N turned around abruptly, a book across her chest. She turned to see a tall brunet boy who seemed completely unrecognizable. "The names Toga Tabara. Call me Toga, though. Can I get a name to call you?" He spoke slyly.

"L/N Y/N-" She said nervously, her eyes traveling across the hall. "Are you new here?"

"How could you tell? I sure am, and I'd love to see you more." Toga smiled, winking. "What class are you in? Maybe we can walk together."

"Class 3-2.. But I already-..!"

"Me too! Lovely, I'd love to walk with you. It starts soon anyway, does it not?" Toga said enthusiastically.

"I guess.. But I need to stop on the second floor." She said anxiously.

"Anything for you." He said in awe.

"Is a thousand artists worked for a thousand years to make the most beautiful sculpture, I'm sure it couldn't compare to you." Toga said as Y/N opened the Martial Arts Club door.

"Thanks Tabara-Kun.." She smiled, turning to Budo. "Budo! C'mon slowpoke!" Y/N shouted to Budo, who turned with a smile. His eyes went to the brunet, who stood staring at Y/N in adoration. His smile faded.

"Hey, hold on. I need to change." He said suspiciously. Budo went to the changing 'unit' in the club, changing to his school uniform. "Who's this?"

"Ah, this is Toga Tabara, he's new. Just transferred today, actually." Y/N introduced the two.

"Nice to meet you." Toga said, putting his hand out to shake. Budo didn't shake his hand. "Okay.. well, c'mon L/N, don't wanna be late for class."

"Eh? You in 3-2?" Budo asked him, towering over the boy.

"Yeah, I am. You too? L/N and I were gonna walk together." Toga smiled.


"Hey, L/N, you in a club? Maybe I could join and we could be around each other more." Toga said once the three got to class. Budo angrily put his bag down at his desk, next to

"Ah, yeah.. I'm in the Photography Club but you don't need to join if that's your reason.."
Y/N stated.

"Oh no no! I insist, I wouldn't mind doing photography if it meant being able to be around you. I could picture the two of us together~." He said lovingly, pining harder than ever.

"Um.. I mean I guess.. we don't do a lot of photography though.." Y/N said, scratching her forehead. "Anyway, I'll see you after class." Toga took his seat in the front row, across the room from the two.

"Babe, you okay?" Y/N put her hand on Budo's shoulder. She saw his facial expression, which was angry and red. He eyed Toga as he went to sit down.

"Fine." He said firmly, fists clenched. "Does he know you have a boyfriend? Me?"

"Hm. I guess I didn't tell him.. Why? You jealous or somethin'?" Y/N smirked.

"Huh? No!" Budo said loudly, hitting his desk. A couple heads turned, confused.

"Don't worry, I love you. I don't know him well anyway."

"He was flirting with you! I heard it all! You did too, I know it. Asshole." He glared at Toga, who also turned around at Budo's loud noises. He waved to Y/N, blushing lightly. "If he even tries to speak to you he'll never see the outdoors again."

"Budo! Chill out, love. He's not gonna get with me, I love you, remember? Do I need to spell it out?" She draped her arms over his shoulders, her chin resting on his head.

"Yeah, to him."

"I'll tell him when he brings it up, okay?"


"Hey, L/N! What was that guy making a fuss about in class?" Toga asked Y/N, pointing to Budo, who walked angrily behind the two.

"Hm? Oh, he's just being a big baby." She joked, turning around to Budo. She grabbed his hand and smirked. "Right?"

"Shut up." Budo mumbled.

"You two must be friends for a while, huh? First name basis I see."

"You see, most people call their boyfriend by their first name." Budo's teeth grinder against each other.

"Boyfriend? I didn't know you two were dating!" Toga jumped. "I'm sorry for hitting on you, L/N!" He said anxiously.

"Tabara, don't worry about it! It's okay." She smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"M-Masuta! I'm deeply sorry, I shouldn't have done any of that!" Budo's expression softened.

"Don't worry, I forgive and forget." Budo smiled. "Just don't try anything."

"Justice served." Y/N grinned. "I'll see you later, Tabara, okay?"

"Of course! See you." He sighed, going the opposite direction of the two.

"See? He's nice." Y/N told Budo, who nodded defeatedly.

"Yeah.. almost feel bad for him."


"Sorry for getting jealous.. I just.. yknow, didn't want to risk anything." Budo sighed, his shoulders slouching.

"What? Hey, don't worry." Y/N kissed his cheek as he arrived to the club. "There's nothing to risk, babe. I'm still gonna love you." She smiled.

"Ugh, gross. You're gross." Budo laughed, pushing her face.

"Screw you, I was trying to be nice and sweet." She stuck her nose up, pouting. "Maybe I should leave you for the ghost in the bathroom upstairs. She might be a sweetheart."

"Nooo, don't leave me please." He said quickly, kissing Y/N's lips.

"Okay, okay, I won't."

"Thank you."

hgh hghhh this isn't that good of a chapter i'm p sure it wasn't what the person wanted ;;m;;
any other oneshot i write toga in i won't make him a jerk or a flirt bc tbh i hc him as a "jsbjsh aaa i like them but no telling" kinda cutie u know
anyway, ty for the request!! i hope u like it!

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