Game Over (Ryuto Ippongo)

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oops,, u know,, i have an undying love for a dumbass named ryuto,, so. u know,, i kinda had to??
prompt from otpimagines1 on tumblr!

"Game Over! Player B Wins!" The TV screen went black, opening up the home screen of a game the two had been playing.

"Wow, you really suck." Ryuto laughed, shaking his head as he placed his controller on the table.

"Wha- hey! That's mean!" Y/N crossed her arms, slouching in the beanbag. "I thought you were my boyfriend."

"I am. But it's my duty to tell you-" He scooted his beanbag right against her's."-that you suck."

"Rematch, you're really testing me."

"Y/N, you can't beat me. Mario Cart just isn't your game."

"Rematch or you're a chicken pussy coward." She hollered quickly.

"Whatever. I'm only doin' it 'cuz you're cute." Ryuto grumbled, grabbing his controller. "But if I win, I'm not making dinner."

"What? Fine, deal. If I win, you have to make dinner. If I lose, which I won't, I will." The girl stuck her hand out to shake, Ryuto grabbing it harshly.

"Challenge accepted."

Y/N knew Ryuto's weaknesses, such as the fact that he's ticklish on his waist/stomach, or how he can't focus without his bandana.

Just as the screen turned to the beginning of the race, Y/N snatched the red bandana from Ryuto's head.

"Huh?! Hey, gimme that!" In an attempt to grab the cloth, Ryuto leaned over, reaching his arm out. It was then that he realized the race had begun. And Y/N was beating him. "Hey that's cheating!"

The two attempted to distract one another throughout the race, but inevitably Ryuto caught up. Attack number two was a go.

"Sweetheart, you know I love you, right?"
Y/N cooed.

"Don't even think about it."

"You're so cute, I'm so lucky. I'd love to spend all night with you in bed, y'know?" She smirked, hitting his cart with her bike in the game. "If you want to.. I wouldn't mind. You've already taken your bandana off, so you're practically naked."

"Quit that."

"You're sexy, Ryuto. Like god damn! I'm really lucky. I could just kiss your entire face all day and I'd love it." She glanced over to her right, noticing Ryuto's red cheeks. "I love you so so so much. I love you I love you I love you!"

The finish line was ahead, and they were on their final lap. Y/N used this moment to lean over and kiss her boyfriend's cheek, whispering into his ear. Ryuto growled and shook his head, determined. Alas, in the end, Y/N beat him by a few milliseconds.

"No fair!" Ryuto yelled, crossing his arms.

"Aw, baby, cmere. I know, we can't all be winners like me.. Shh, don't worry..." Y/N crawled into his lap, petting his hair. "That offer's still up by the way."

"Offer? You mean me having to make dinner?"

"No.. if you wanted to.. tonight we could get hot in the sheets if you get what I'm tryna say." She winked, standing up and brushing her sweatpants from and crumbs.

"H-Huh?! Wait, you're serious?" Ryuto gaped, stumbling to stand up.

Y/N smirked, walking towards the kitchen.

"Hey, you can't just ignore me! Hey! Answer me!" He went running after her, and in the end.. well..

It's up to your imagination.

i rlly need to stop with these duMB ONESHOTS LMAO
i plan on writing another osana one (a request) so soon you'll get some of that cutie but for now
ik pippi but like. how about this this: pippi's big lesbian

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