It's Late. (Umeji Kizuguchi)

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im a sucker for lowkey angst to lowkey fluff

She weren't 100% sure why or how she got here. But at 12:30 AM, Y/N was at Umeji Kizuguchi's doorstep. He had recently gone through unexplainably painful experiences including watching his best friends die before him as he was helpless to do anything.

Inside, behind the door, was a sad boy. He knew nothing would bring them all back. He knew crying would make him weak. Yet he couldn't stop.

Maybe it was his hard exterior or maybe it was his lack of trust for anyone, but since the incident, Umeji hadn't spoken to a single person, including teachers. During lunch and before class he sat on the bench they would all sit at, his music playing from the half broken radio on a low volume.

For some reason, though, he felt the need to open up. He felt as if he could explode if he didn't. Y/N knew this, and tried extra hard to talk with him. Not about his friends or anything, just tried to talk.

Umeji, however, took it as a form of pity and despised the feeling of being treated like a small child. He was anything but that, he was an adult, he could hand it.

The sudden knock at his door sent goosebumps down his back. Wiping his eyes quickly and rushingly, he swamped his way to the door.

"The fuck are you doing here?" He grunted, trying his best to sound neutral. His eyes were lightly glossy, the skin around them red and puffy. "It's late as shit out."

Now or never, Y/N took a deep breath in. Her both shivered at the situation. "I.. well, I came to see you." She looked to the ground, her weight shifting from foot to foot.

"Why? Why now, it's like- midnight."

"Yeah.. I know.. listen- Umeji, uh, do you.. want to talk at all?" Y/N asked quietly, building her way up slowly.

"Why would I.." He paused, realizing he did. He knew he did. His thoughts flooded his mind, knowing that he should talk. Let it all out. "I don't need shit."

"But do you want to?" She asked, studying his face.

"I.." He sighed, opening the door a little wider to let her inside. "I guess."


Hours passed and the sun began to rise. This didn't stop the two from talking to one another about Umeji's feelings.

"I stood there- I should've done something." He repeated, digging his face into his knees. "I just wasn't fast enough."

"No, Umeji.. you're crazy strong if you could handle something like that." She rubbed his back soothingly, leaning against his shoulder.

"Thank you.." He said in a hushed tone, muffled by his body.

"Of course, Umeji. I'm so sorry." Y/N shook her head lightly, sighing.

The two stayed together the whole day, not bothering to go to school that day. Everything was too emotional, and everything had memories. It wasn't worth it.

But if Y/N hadn't shown up, hadn't helped him? He would've lived his life with such things bottled up forever, that's for sure.

rlly inspired by a bakugou x reader on tumblr oops i basically copied it ugh i'm unoriginaL

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