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This has some lewd stuff too whoop whoop I'm a bastard

Jack was left alone having an existential crisis in a dark alley way. He decided to man up and walk home..on the way there it was bleak and everything was blurry. The lights of the flashing cars were blurry. The sounds were blurry in his ears. All he could think about was the warm lips of Ralph and how comfortable he felt. And hot. Ralph was very hot.
The dread when he got home was immense. Instead of the usual quiet silence of the house it was loud. His father wasn't home. And he still had the taste of strawberry milkshake in his mouth. The silence nearly drove him mad.
He threw off his jeans and jacket, then jumped into bed. He couldn't sleep.
"Why on Earth did I do that?! Am I nuts?" Jack groaned. His hands dragged on his face and he decided from then on to be a recluse to society.

"Why did you do what?"

"Wh-?" Jack turned his head to his window, he didn't know what he was expecting but he definitely didn't expect to see Roger staring at him from the window.

"JESUS, FUCK," Jack screamed. "What the hell are you doing here, Rog?"
Meanwhile, somewhere on the other side of town, there was a blonde boy having a similar problem to Jack. Upon returning home, Ralph immediately rushed to his room before his parents could notice him coming in. He collapsed onto his bed with no regard for his shoes or work clothes or anything else still being on. He let out a long sigh that turned into a sort of groan.
"Good God" he muttered under his breath. The entire journey home after his interaction with a certain redhead felt like a blur. It went by very quickly in hindsight but he remembers it feeling like hours. In all his years of knowing Jack Merridew, the latter had certainly given him lots of feelings.
Anger and annoyance, typically, with the occasional burst of joy or maybe a teeny bit of infatuation. But this feeling was different, and Ralph hadn't felt it before. This was probably every other emotion at once, all because Jack kissed him.
Good Lord, Jack had kissed him.
He didn't know why it happened. All the common sense in the universe told him it was because Jack had feelings for him. But of course common sense and Ralph weren't on very good terms at the moment. He remembered how the other had advanced on him; maybe it was just lust, or something? Or maybe Jack was just trying to tease him? Yes, those answers seemed more likely.
And Ralph stopped him. Jack didn't want to stop, and Ralph didn't know if he did either, but he stopped him before things could advance more. Because, what? He didn't want to do it outside of his work? He didn't want to "do it" in general? He felt a bit uncomfortable? He didn't want to be used, if that was the case? All of those were correct. Thinking about it, Ralph was glad he pulled away when he did. At the same time though, part of him wished he just let things happen. He would probably be in a much different place right now, mentally and physically.
Only now did Ralph realize how hot his face had become recalling the incident. There was probably no denying now; Ralph had a major thing for Jack. he decided to continue denying it, though, because denial is equal to mental procrastination and he really wanted to put off the thought until a later time. Of course, it was impossible for him to not think about it.
Ralph desperately wanted to kiss him back, or maybe something more than that. He didn't know. That was the wrong circumstance though. He felt bad for just leaving Jack like that, the poor kid was probably beating himself up over it. Or maybe he wasn't; maybe he laughed, shrugged it off, and called up someone else to make out with. Ralph continued to tell himself these things because it was easier to believe lies about Jack than to accept the truth. But Ralph still wanted to kiss him back or something.
He sat up in bed after laying with his eyes glued to the ceiling for who-knows-how-long. He finally took off his shoes and his work uniform, changing into his home clothing. He lay back down after and turned to the number one solution for not dealing with your problems.
He turned off the lights and let sleep take ahold of him. In the hour or two he lay there, he really couldn't tell if he spent any time actually sleeping. He assumed he fell asleep, though, since time seemed to fly by. The thought he was trying to avoid still slipped into his mind from time to time, unfortunately, meaning that he either failed at sleeping or already had his dreams corrupted. He couldn't stop thinking about Jack's lips on his for even a few minutes, and he surely didn't know how he would cope with seeing the boy face-to-face at school anymore.

Back to Jack and Roger.
"Oh you know..." Roger laughed.
"I really don't." Jack complied.
Roger tilted his head and replied in a smart tone of voice, "I just want to make my best friend feel better."
Jack slumped in his bed cocking his brow. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, a little birdie told me you got rejected by that blonde pretty boy. I'd like to help you take your mind off it." Roger said smugly.
"H-how did you even know that?" Jack stuttered nervously.
"A magician never reveals his secrets." Roger whispered.
Roger crawled through the window inharmoniously.
"Dreadful etiquette, I know." Roger purred

"Uh.." Jack squeaked.
"Well what exactly did you have in mind?" He said.
"I know that blonde kid doesn't know you like I do, Merridew, and I certainly know he can't please you like I can?" Roger continued.
A bead of sweat seeped down Jack's face. It was a cold sweat, not like that of someone blissfully jogging for physical education.

Jack considered his choices. Would he mope about a soc who was disinterested in his advances or become invested in a greaser in his gang who wanted to ease his pain.
He chose the latter for now. He would only see Ralph as a tutor from here on.
"Fuck it." Jack complied, he sat up from his bed, grabbed Roger by his name and pulled him down to kiss him.
"Mmf" Roger moaned into the brief kiss.
"This is only to take my mind off of Ralph, got it?" Jack muttered.
"Got it." Roger blushed
Jack pulled him onto his lap and they kissed like there was no tomorrow. French kissing? Check. Roger felt so high, in his life he never thought he would get Jack Merridew, even though it was part of his plan to get him wrapped around his finger.

Roger let himself get pushed down onto Jack's bed by Jack. He was a candle in the process of melting. Roger pulled him closer on top of him, Jack smelled like cigarettes.
He kissed him again and Jack put himself between Roger's legs. His legs happily trapped Jack in his sights. Roger greedily kissed Jack.
Roger could feel Jack's growing member on his behind.

Jack's eyes were closed, Roger felt self conscious. Whatever. He continued to get felt up by Jack. "Do you got any lube?" Roger breathed out, breathlessly.

Jack's eyes opened and darted to his drawer. Roger released Jack from his legs and waited patiently. Jack went over to the drawer by his bed and scrambled until he found it hidden under a book, conveniently located in a small bag. Roger looked at him and waited.

"Make yourself useful for a while.." Jack said quietly.

Roger shrugged and tugged off his pants.
Back to Ralph again...
He dreamed of the fate of him and a specific fiery greaser.

He guessed he'd have to see in the morning.

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