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Makeout scenes imminent. You have been warned.

Jack spent at least a while outside in front of the quaint little diner. While Ralph worked diligently there was an aching disturbance in the air. Jack felt it too. It just wasn't the same the gang fought. Especially over some meager quarrel. Jack finished a cigarette and just stayed outside, relishing in the cool nighttime air.

Ralph, Eric and Sam finished their time in the diner one by one. Eric and Sam waited for Ralph to walk out. Ralph did eventually walk out to stare at the depressed greaser ruining the warm wholesome mood of the diner. Ralph assured them to beat feet and leave him alone.

"You must think you're a big tickle, pulling that shit while I'm trying to make bread."
Jack only looked at him with longing in his eyes. He didn't say anything.

"What, now you're a drip?"
Jack stood up and pushed him into a nearby alley.

"Hey what's the matter with you?!"

"R' you writin' a book?" Jack puzzled. Then kissed him.

Ralph's eyes widened in shock but let himself be kissed by the greaser. Jack pushed the blonde against the rough brick wall and deepened the kiss. The soc closed his eyes and wrapped his nimble arms around his lust-ridden enemy.

"Ah, we should stop-" Ralph moaned.

"We don't have to stop." Jack rasped lowly.

Jack bit Ralph's lower lip, then licked it in apology. They continued kissing when Jack slid his knee between Ralph's legs.

"Mmn! But this is so wrong, we're right outside my work!!" Ralph whisper-screamed. He didn't want Jack to stop but something in the back of his brain couldn't let himself be kissing this greaser, let alone another man.

"If this is so wrong then why does it feel so right?" Jack groaned in his ear.

Ralph grinded on Jack's knee and whined. "I can't I- ugh- Mm!" Ralph moaned a pitch higher, almost a c-Sharp. He pushed Jack away.

"I-I have to go." He whispered. He ran all the way home to his house full of sleeping people. Jack was left in the alley way.

"What the fuck have I done."

(Shorter chapter award goes to...)

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